  • 學位論文


A Study of Corporate Sponsorship for Badminton Athletes in Taiwan

指導教授 : 程紹同


企業投入運動贊助在國內外早已行之有年,其中又以個人運動員贊助最能受到消費者的青睞,成為企業行銷品牌的主要策略。然運動員與企業在贊助合作上,經常有贊助衝突事件的發生,其原因大都來自於運動員本身違反贊助所需遵守之義務。爰此,本研究以第三方之視角,目的為瞭解臺灣頂尖羽球運動員接受企業贊助現況,以及其對贊助的瞭解程度。並以立意取樣的方式,選取中華臺北羽球國家隊運動員共六人,進行訪談深入探究我國羽球運動員接受企業贊助之情形。研究結果發現: 一、目前我國羽球國家代表隊運動員,以土地銀行與合作金庫之企業球團,所培訓的羽球運動員為主。而企業球團則會提供較優質的運動訓練環境與生涯輔導的照護。 二、我國羽球頂尖運動員對於贊助之概念,以及應如何與贊助商維持長遠的合作夥伴關係不清楚,但對於代言人所需具備之特質,與獲得企業贊助後應如何回饋及維繫良好互動關係有一定的瞭解。 三、目前我國羽球運動員在接受企業贊助上,缺乏運動經紀人或介紹人以協助與企業洽談贊助合作,主要是透過企業主動聯繫、球團教練及親友來獲得贊助上的支持。 四、由於我國頂尖羽球運動員訓練上大多以賽代訓,而國家隊所提供的交通及運動訓練照護的相關資源不盡完善,故運動員在此方面較需要藉由企業贊助來獲得支持。 有鑑於此,本研究建議我國頂尖運動員應適時地瞭解運動贊助之基本概念,然在接受企業贊助後,亦需考量如何與企業維繫良好與長遠的合作夥伴關係;也建議政府單位與企業在投入運動贊助時,可針對訓練照護與參與國際賽事方面提供相關贊助資源。在學術研究部分,建議後續研究可從不同運動項目著墨,繼續深入探究運動員接受企業贊助情形,提升雙方之間在贊助合作上的順利。


羽球 運動贊助 代言人


Corporate sponsorship has been growing rapidly in recent years. Among the sponsor strategies, individual athlete sponsor influences the most and has become the main strategy for brand marketing. However, sponsor conflicts often occur between athletes and corporates mostly because athletes do not follow the sponsorship obligations. Thus, the study aimed at exploring the status quo of corporate sponsorship for outstanding badminton athletes in Taiwan from the third party perspective. The purposive sampling was adopted. Six athletes from Chinese Taipei national badminton team were selected for interview. Findings were as follows. 1. Currently the athletes of national badminton team in Taiwan were primarily trained by corporate badminton teams of both Land Bank of Taiwan and Taiwan Cooperative Bank. These corporate badminton teams provided better training environments and career counseling. 2. These outstanding badminton athletes had only a limited understanding of sponsorship and how to maintain the long-term relationship with sponsors. However, they did understand what qualities endorsers should possess and how they should provide feedback after receiving corporate sponsor. 3. Sport agents for badminton athletes were rarely found in Taiwan. The majority of sponsor were frequently connected by corporates, coaches, and family or friends. 4. These elite badminton athletes were trained by attending competitions rather than undergoing training. Also, the resources, such as traffic and training care, offered by the national team were insufficient. In this case, corporate sponsorship played a vital role. Therefore, the present study suggested the elite badminton athletes should understand the essence of sponsorship and consider how to maintain a long-term partnership with sponsors. It was also suggested that the government should offer relevant resources for sport sponsorship, training care providing and international competitions supporting in particular. Future research could focus on different type of sports and further explore how to promote the sponsorship between corporates and athletes.


Badminton sport sponsorship endorser


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