  • 學位論文

開發以轉錄因子調控的全細胞生物感測器: 主題一、利用耐金屬貪銅菌偵測銅離子 主題二、藉由雙重訊號輸出同時偵測並定量苯乙胺與苯乙酸

Transcription Factor-based Whole-Cell Biosensors: Part I. The Detection of Copper Ions in Cupriavidus metallidurans. Part II. Dual Signal Outputs for Simultaneous Quantification of Phenylethylamine and Phenylacetic acid.

指導教授 : 葉怡均




Copper ions act as an important role in our body, involving cellular respiration and signal transduction. Some neurodegenerative diseases, such as Wilson diseases and Alzheimer’s disease, are resulted from high copper ion concentration. β-Phenylethylamine (PEA) is an important neurotransmitter in our body and phenylacetic acid (PA) is its metabolite. Patients with special diseases such as phenylketonuria and paranoid schizophrenia have high concentration of PEA and PA in body fluids. We constructed two dual signal whole-cell biosensors with the expression GFP and RFP for detection copper ions, PEA, and PA. First, we used promoter PcopZ and PcopA in Cupriavidus metallidurans to exclude the interference caused by other metal ions. Second, we used PEA and PA degradation operon in Escherichia coli to detect PEA and PA simultaneously. By monitoring RFP and GFP fluorescence, we both had good sensitivity and selectivity for detection of Cu2+, PEA, and PA.


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