  • 學位論文


Research and Creation of the Application of Rhythm to Chinese Character Moving Posters Design

指導教授 : 林俊良


隨著電子設備和螢幕的普及,社群媒體支援短影片功能,讓使用者產生更多創意空間,多媒體的發展更改變了海報設計的型態。近年出現許多平面海報加入動態設計,讓海報不只是靜態呈現。比起靜止的平面海報,動態海報更能吸引觀者的目光。筆者從中看到將海報設計動態化的可能。至今鮮少有對於動態海報設計的研究,也沒有明確的名詞定義。但在商業與社群媒體上風行,效果與媒材五花八門。 本研究藉由內容分析法與創作實驗法分析律動(Rhythm),由於律動是一種具備時間性的視覺元素,具有帶入動態設計的可能。首先藉由文獻資料探討律動的表現形式進行分類歸納,及分析動態設計(Motion Design)的表現手法,接著探討動態海報(Moving posters)的定義與表現形式。 研究中透過AGI國際平面設計師聯盟中的海報案例分析,獲得四種律動表現手法:「扭曲」、「物件排列」、「色彩」、「空間感」。及分析動態海報運用的動態手法:「組字成圖」、「組圖成字」「抽象轉換」、「完形法則」、「圖動字不動」。並將歸納手法帶入海報創作中。 創作實證運用律動來詮釋動態海報的概念,由於音樂與律動之間具有許多相似之處,以「臺灣音樂節」為題,作為動態漢字海報,筆者將動態漢字海報傳達各種不同風格音樂節的精神。最終創作出12件漢字動態海報作品。 藉由本次創作,獲得以下二點結論:1.動態海報增加了更多畫面敘事的可能性。2.動態漢字的可視性與可讀性,使動態設計受到拘束。3.動態設計(Motion Design)名稱較符合現今設計趨勢。


With an increase in the prevalence of electronic devices, more and more social media sites have added short video features, giving users a platform to demonstrate creativity. Gradually, imperceptibly, technology is redefining graphics in new ways. Traditional graphics are giving way to motion graphics. Compared to still images, animated ones tend to get noticed quicker. Though there is limited research on motion graphics, the trend has taken over social media as businesses are realizing the importance of this strategy as a form of product or service promotion. This study uses both textual and experimental analysis exploring rhythm since the visual element has the potential to be incorporated into motion graphic design. The researcher first categorizes flat images from Alliance Graphique Internationale into four types of rhythm: distortion, permutation, colors, and space; besides, based on the motion images from the moving poster, the researcher acquires other five techniques: word mapping, image grouping, abstraction, Gestalt principles, and partial motions. The above strategies are then extensively deployed to her motion graphic design. Themed on Taiwan’s music festivals, the twelve pieces of motion graphics utilize Chinese characters to deliver vibes of various music festivals in Taiwan. Through the artwork, the researcher has drawn the following conclusions. First of all, motion graphics allow designers to add abundant elements to the design. Secondly, to maintain the readability of animated Chinese characters, designers face constraints in the design process.Third, Motion Design name is more in line with today's design trends.


