  • 學位論文


Building of Resource-Allocation Based Scheduling Management System

指導教授 : 戴建耘


108課綱實施在即,強調以更多元的教學方法豐富現有的學習型態,競賽即是其中之一。藉由各種競賽的舉辦讓學習者在準備的過程中獲得必備的素養與知能為現今的教育目標之一。而在資訊管理時代,為使資源管理與分配更有效率,根據不同目的所發展相關的管理資訊系統被視為管理的基石。本研究透過電腦建置排程管理系統,並透過此系統蒐集、排程與管理賽事資料,以提供參賽學校、指導老師及考生相關所需資訊,以期降低舉辦比賽的人力與資源。本系統使用Sublime Text 3為整合開發環境,並利用MySQL資料庫與HTML、PHP、CSS、JavaScript、JQuery等程式語言來建置系統。並以「專業英日文詞彙與聽力能力大賽」三萬人次的數據資料做為分析,在使用人力進行相關工作處理時需花費大量時間與人力和參賽學校進行溝通,因此期望此系統提供相關資訊以簡化目前管理者工作流程與步驟。


108 Curriculum Guidelines emphasizes on applying multiple teaching methods to flourish the nature of learning. One of the methods to let students acquiring necessary literacy and competence is by preparing the competition. Different management information systems for specific purposes to resource allocation are the foundation of management. This research building of Resource-Allocation Based Scheduling Management System and acquires, allocates and manage data by this system, also provides information to schools, teachers, and students in order to lower the cost of holding a completion. This system uses Sublime Text 3 as integrated software development environment, MySQL, HTML, PHP, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery as programing language also analyzing more than 30000 participants’ data from Professional Vocabulary Quotient Credential competition as a database to construct this management information system. This system intends to provide information and allocate resources for the administration to lower the costs and simplify the process.


Management system PVQC


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