  • 學位論文


Power Presidentialization under Semi-presidentialism in Taiwan - An Analysis of Institutional Powers and Non-institutional Powers (1997-2018)

指導教授 : 陳文政


半總統制之研究,在Duverger(1978)提出定義後,學界對於該領域的研究如雨後春筍般冒出,現今的半總統制領域之中,相關的次類型與定義之論述,不論是在國外或在國內已有不少的著作,尤其是對於我國的半總統制學術界而言,更是在短短幾十年間,有了大幅度的提升。但即便我國有大量學術論述之基礎,但是本文仍認為,對於我國總統的權力運作仍有待不足,特別是以往的總統權力運作大多聚焦在靜態層面上,以及我國近期出現的「權力總統化」之論述,是否真的有這種現象?真的出現了又表現在哪些指標上? 因此藉由上述的動機與目的,藉此整理出四個問題意識。本文以「動態」論述為主,且花費大量時間在蒐集我國四位總統的任期,將近二十年之中的權力動態指標,並且以憲法制度權力與非制度性權力兩個主軸貫穿全文,其中憲法制度權力包含了任命、任免、法律公布等,非制度性權力則包含了政黨因素的影響,對此希望能藉此跳脫以往半總統制研究的框架,本文也在結論中也提到,對於我國半總統制的運作利弊缺失等,要如何改善與提出解決之道,並且用此結論也可回應問題意識,最終的目的仍希望能對我國憲政做出貢獻。


The study of semi-presidential system, after Duverger (1978) proposed the definition, the academic community for this field of research has sprung up, in the field of the current semi-presidential system, the relevant sub-types and definitions of the discourse, whether abroad or at home has been a lot of writings, especially for TW semi-presidential academic community, It has been greatly improved in just a few decades.But even though TW has a large number of academic basis, but this article still believes that the power operation of our president is still insufficient, especially in the past the operation of presidential power mostly focused on the static level, as well as TW’s recent emergence of "power presidentialization" of the discourse, is real have this phenomenon? Therefore, by the above-mentioned research motive and purpose, this paper to organize out the four problem consciousness of this paper. This article focuses on "dynamic" discourse, and spends a lot of time collecting the term of office of the four presidents of our country, the dynamic pointer of power in nearly two decades, institutional power and non-institutional power. This article also mentioned in the conclusion, for TW's semi-presidential system of the operation of the lack of advantages and disadvantages, how to improve and put forward the solution to this article, and use this conclusion can also respond to the problem consciousness of this article, the ultimate goal is still hope to contribute to TW's constitutionalism.


