  • 學位論文


The Relationship Between Mandarin Tone Production and German Intonation in German Learners' Interlanguage

指導教授 : 曾金金


漢語為聲調語言,而德語為非聲調語言。對聲調語言來說,每一個字都具有區辨意義的音高特徵,成句後還得加上語調交互作用;對非聲調語言而言,單一字詞的音高特徵並不固定,惟須考慮句子的語調所代表的意義,如疑問時尾音上揚、肯定時尾音下降等。正是此差異,導致了德籍學習者於口說時產生困難,無法正確掌握漢語不同句式中末字之聲調。本論文針對此問題進行研究,探尋德籍學習者的聲調表現與德語語調之關聯。 本研究之研究假設有二:一為德籍學習者多將德語語調概念遷移至漢語中,把末字降調判定為敘述句,而末字升調判定為疑問句;二為當末字聲調走向與語調走向相符時,學習者的聲調表現較好,相反時聲調表現則較差。針對第一個假設,設計了一組聽辨測驗,未曾學過漢語的德籍受試者需判別22個漢語句子為敘述句或疑問句,以此檢驗德語母語者學習漢語前對音高起伏的句式認知為何。針對第二個假設,設計了一組唸讀測驗,受試者為六位學習了漢語一年的德籍學生,唸讀22個測試句,並要求受試者將每一句測試句翻譯成德語並錄音,接著以聲學分析軟體Praat繪製各測試句調型變化圖,對比學習者唸讀德語及漢語末尾語調的異同,並觀察末字聲調在與語調走向相符及相反時的表現如何。 研究證明,德籍學習者常犯錯誤為:不管末字字調為何,在疑問句中容易誤發成升調,在敘述句中則誤發成降調,顯示他們將德語語調特性遷移到了漢語聲調中。 最後,本文利用唸讀測驗結果提出聲調中介語系統之分類及定義,並針對漢語聲調於句中的表現提出教學建議,期能對於初級德籍學習者的聲調教學有所貢獻。


Mandarin is a tonal language, while German is not. A tonal language uses pitch to distinguish words, so when speaking Mandarin, one not only has to focus on intonation, but also consider the tone of every word. For non-tonal languages, the pitch characteristics of single words are not important. One only has to ponder on the meaning of the intonation of the sentence, for example, a raise in pitch represents a question, while a lower pitch represents a statement. This difference, makes it especially difficult for German students to have correct tone production when speaking Mandarin. This thesis therefore aims to understand the relationship between the tone production of German learners and German intonation. Two hypotheses are presented in this thesis. First, that German learners will transfer the concept of German intonation into Mandarin; and second, that when the tonal flow of the last word in a sentence matches that of the intonation, the learner's tone production will improve. For the first hypothesis, we constructed a perception test for Germans who do not understand Mandarin. The purpose of the test was to discover how German learners perceive the tone of Mandarin before learning it. The participants were required to listen to 22 Mandarin sentences and, then decide whether they were questions or statements. For the second hypothesis, we created a reading test for German learners. The participants included six learners who had studied Mandarin for one year. They were asked to record themselves reading the same 22 sentences and translate the sentences into German. We, then use the acoustic analysis software Praat to draw the pitch contour of each sentence. We compared the contours to see whether the tonal flow of the last word in sentences was the same as the intonation flow when the participants were speaking German, so as to observe the tone production of the participants when the tonal flow is opposite to the intonation flow. The results of this study are summarized as follows. 1.According to the perception test: A.Native German speakers who do not understand Mandarin often decide whether the sentence is a question or a statement by focusing on the Chinese tone of the last word. B.Native German speakers tend to perceive sentences ending with the Chinese first tones and second tones as questions, and perceive sentences ending with third and fourth tones as statements. 2.According to the reading test: A.When reading questions, German learners often incorrectly pronounce the last word as a second tone. Conversely, when reading statements, they often mispronounce the last word as a fourth tone. Last but not least, we used the results of the reading test to propose the classification and definition of the tone interlanguage system and provide three teaching suggestions with regard to the production of Mandarin tones in sentences.


