  • 學位論文


A Study on Pragmatic Strategies to the Context of Picking-up

指導教授 : 洪嘉馡


於網路盛行的時代,人們的食衣住行皆能透過網路達成,加上各類社群媒體不斷竄起,連認識新朋友也因為各式交友軟體而變得速食。於是乎人人只關注自己手上的智慧型手機,卻時常忽略了身邊的人事物,這也使得人們於現實生活中的社交能力大幅降低,甚至不知道如何在真實的生活中結交新朋友,更不用說該如何踏出第一步與自己有好感的對象搭話。於是本研究想了解,在什麼樣的語境下,人們較願意與陌生人有更進一步的交流,以及在什麼樣的語境下,人們會採用何種策略來搭訕有好感的對象。   本研究以Grice (1975) 的合作原則與Leech (1983) 的禮貌原則為架構設計實驗問卷中的語言策略,選項從直接的表達形式到委婉的回應與提問方法。此外,由於受試者過去被搭訕、搭訕他人及其性別都可能影響到語言策略的選定,因此也納入問卷的提問中。   經過分析後發現,當受試者被人搭訕時,多數的回應都是不冷不熱以維護雙方的面子,不過當人們處於「輕鬆」、「愉悅」且「有共同話題」的語境時,便不排斥陌生人前來搭話與交流;若人們處於正在「移動」至特定地點或是「忙於特定事項」的語境時,採用的拒絕語言策略便相對直接。本研究也發現,當受試者搭訕他人時,在不同的語境下也呈現不同的語言策略選擇傾向。分析結果也呈現,除了受試者所處的語境外,性別與過去經驗在受試者作為搭訕者時,也會影響到語言策略的選定。


搭訕 語境 語言策略 語用


Given the high popularity of the Internet, this is an era in which people’s basic needs can be solved simply by going on the Internet. Furthermore, social media has grown explosively, which causes finding potential romantic partners to be like searching for a casual relationship. This situation harms people’s social skills and causes them to have no idea how to engage people in relationships in reality. Some do not even know how to strike up conversations with people of interest   This study analyzed the structure and choices regarding language policy based on the cooperative principles (Grice, 1975) and politeness theory (Leech, 1983). This work analyzed the reactions and questions of the direct type versus the indirect one in a questionnaire. Considering the effects subjects’ experience and gender would have in subjects’ choice in language policies, the two factors were assessed in the questionnaire on picking up.   According to the results of this study, when subjects are picked up by someone, most reactions are lukewarm to maintain each others’ pride. However, when subjects are found to give off a “relaxing” or “pleasing” quality and “having something in common,” strangers would not reject having conversation with them. If people are “moving” to specific spots or “busy with something,” they would refuse directly. Furthermore, the subjects shifted their standpoint to be the pick-up persons. This study found that subjects have different tendencies regarding language polices. The results revealed not only that the context in which conversations are held influence the choice in language policy, but gender and experience also have an effect.


Pick-up Context Language Policy Pragmatics


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