  • 學位論文


A Study of the Literary Works for Educating Offspring by Female Poets in Ch'ing China

指導教授 : 周愚文


本研究以清代女詩人的課子文學作品為對象,探究其課子的觀念,並分析清代前後期與地域分布的差異。主要史料為《擷芳集》、《閨秀正始集》(含續集)、《國朝閨秀詩柳絮集》等詩集,針對213位女詩人所做的285首詩文分析。 本研究發現,首先,課子詩文以時間分,順康雍乾時期共169首,嘉道咸同時期則為116首。以地域分布分,兩時期皆以江蘇省數量最多,浙江省次之,兩省又多聚集在江南地區,該地區女詩人及詩文數量分別占總數的47%與44%,幾乎近一半,但以課子內容而言,則與其他地域無差異。詩文內容以課子對象區分,兩時期均以兒子占一半以上比率最高,女兒次之,比率則介於12%~14%。 其次,有關課子詩文的內容,對兒子母親常強調讀書,希望他們能效法聖賢自我修養,或是勤讀詩書以中科舉,二者皆有光宗耀祖的期待。又讀書重「勤」,為人處事重「謹」,,尤重立身處世。對於女兒,觀點大致與兒子相近,品性上,較強調敬順、貞孝;對於讀書,家長多持女德與女才不相妨態度,而所讀書不限女教書,多以《禮記》〈內則〉為準,也常見讀《四書》、《五經》,母親期許女兒所學,未來能用在相夫教子上。 最後,課子文學作品中,也能見到當時「社會性別」影響。詩文中可見「天尊地卑」、「男尊女卑」的觀念,但母親未刻意貶低女兒的地位。女詩人依從社會對性別角色的期待與社會分工,而對兒女分別施以不同的教育。


課子文學 清代 母教 女詩人


The aims of this thesis are to explore the ideas of educating offspring in the literary works by female poets in Ch'ing China, and to analyze the differences between the different phases and regions. The primary historical sources, such as poetry anthologies, including Jiefang Ji, Guixiu Zhengshi Ji (and supplements), the Guo Chao Gui Xiu Zheng Shi Ji, are used. 285 poems written by 213 female poets are analyzed, and the average piece of each poet writes 1.34. It is found that chronologically 169 poems are written in the 1644-1795 phase, the rest of 116 poems are in the 1796-1874 one. Geographically, most of poems written by poets in Jiangsu Province, followed by ones in Zhejiang Province, especially who located in the Jiangnan region; there are 47% of all poets and 44% of total sum o f poems. As to the content of those poems, there is no difference between the works of Jiangnan region and others. According to the objects, the lessons were intended to instruct, over 50% poems in both phases are concerned with the boys' education, followed by the girls' education, between 12% and 14%. Others include the education of daughters-in-law, and the expression of author’s feelings. The contents of poems for educating offspring include the elements of knowledge and moral character. For son, mothers always emphasize the importance of study, the sages and great men as role model to improve their behavior and morality, and the preparation of imperial examination, which will bring good reputation and glory for their family and its ancestors. When they study, industry is emphasized, and they work and get along with others, prudence is important. However, they should have good moral character and live with others. For daughters, mothers’ expectations are similar but with modifications. On morality, obeisance and filial piety are preached. On studying, most of parents did not think that women's virtues and their talents are mutually exclusive, and the books assigned are not confined to textbooks for women. However, there is the tendency to recommend the treatise Neize in the Liji, while some do read Four Books and Five Classics. After study, most mothers expected their daughters to be a good wife and mother in the future. Lastly, there shows the impact of social gender in keze poetry. Concepts such as the heaven over earth and man over woman always exist in those works, but those mothers do not intentionally degrade their daughter's social status. And the ways female poets educated their sons and daughters cohered to social expectations of gender roles and labor division.


