  • 學位論文


Associations of occupational sitting with cardiovascular diseases and its risk factors among High-tech company employees

指導教授 : 廖邕


世界衛生組織(WHO)調查發現久坐生活型態為主的人口在全球已開發及發展中國家約有60%~85%,近年來國人因工作型態轉變,導致長時間坐辦公室的工作類型增加,根據研究發現久坐的生活型態導致心血管疾病的風險加倍,因此欲了解職業久坐行為與心血管疾病及其危險因子關聯性,可做為未來職場健康促進策略的基石。本研究對象選取臺北市某資訊高科技公司員工為本研究調查之母群體,採用網路問卷平台立意抽樣發送電子郵件,完成363份有效樣本。使用二元邏輯斯回歸以暸解職業久坐時間、總久坐時間、電視觀看久坐時間、非工作時使用電腦久坐時間(含平板、智慧型手機)及交通久坐時間與心血管疾病及其危險因子之關聯性。研究調查結果只有3位研究對象罹患心血管疾病,因此未進行統計分析,「職業久坐時間」、「總久坐時間」、「電視觀看久坐時間」、「交通久坐時間」4個變項與心血管疾病危險因子皆未達統計上顯著相關;「非工作時使用電腦久坐時間(含平板、智慧型手機)」與心血管疾病危險因子達統計上顯著相關(OR =1.80; 95% CI: 1.08-3.00)。研究結果發現非工作時使用電腦久坐時間(含平板、智慧型手機)」與心血管疾病危險因子有顯著相關,未來在職場健康促進策略可著重於降低或中斷休閒時的電腦使用久坐時間,減少高科技公司員工的心血管疾病風險。


Globally, cardiovascular disease (CVD) continues to be a leading cause of death. occupational sedentary behavior has recently emerged as a distinct behavioral risk factor for cardiometabolic diseases Therefore, this study aimed to examine the associations of overall and domain-specific (i.e. occupational, transport and leisure-time) sedentary behavior with CVD risk factors among high technology company employees in Taiwan. A total of 363 participants from a high-tech company (mean ± SD age: 37.4 ± 7.2 years) completed a questionnaire on overall, occupational, transport and leisure-time sedentary behavior via email. Data on self-reported height and weight, status of total cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugar were also collected in 2018. Adjusted binary logistic regression model were performed. After adjusting for socio-demographic variables and physical activity, high technology company employees who used a computer (internet) during leisure-time more than two hours a day were more likely to have CVD risk factors (odds ratio =1.80; 95% confidence interval: 1.08-3.00). No significant associations were found for total sedentary time, occupational sitting, television viewing time, and transport-related sitting with CVD risk factor. These findings may have great implications for workplace intervention designers and policy maker that effective strategies to limit leisure-time computer use, rather than the context of occupational or transport sitting, should be prioritized to prevent the risk of CVD among high technology company employees.


high-tech company sedentary Chronic disease CVD risk factors


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