  • 學位論文


Exploring the Differences of Program Implementation Between High and Low Achievers in Working Memory and Strategies

指導教授 : 陳志洪


程式設計已經成為現今社會中的重要技能之一,各國為了培養國家的競爭力,也已經將程式設計的教學納入課綱並且列為必修的課程,而目前對於中小學的學生或其他程式初學者,大部分都是以程式實作的方式進行程式設計基礎能力的培養。為了了解程式設計中,工作記憶與程式設計的策略運用在程式實作上的相關性,本研究以自行開發的遊戲式程式實作平台進行研究,在平台上設計了兩種遊戲視角,並結合視覺化程式設計指令進行程式設計實作,嘗試了解受試者在程式實作的遊戲任務中所運用的策略。任務中,透過程式實作歷程與眼動歷程數據,分析推論在程式設計的實作能力高低成就者,在工作記憶與策略運用的差異。 研究以程式實作任務的平均數分為高低成就兩組,在三個程式實作任務中比較兩組受試者之間在工作記憶與程式策略運用的差異。在工作記憶能力與程式實作能力的關係中,結果顯示視覺空間能力和中央執行功能兩項能力都與程式實作的能力較有關聯;另外,在眼動指標的統計分析與眼動的序列分析中也得知,高成就組使用由上而下的問題解決角度的比例較高,而低成就組在由下而上的問題解決角度的比例較高。高成就的學生不但擁有較優異的視覺空間與中央執行的能力外,在程式設計的策略中傾向於使用由上而下的策略進行問題解決,而低成就者學生則視情況會需要有其他功能的輔助,幫助理解並解決程式設計問題,所以沒有展現一致的策略。


Programming has become an essential skill in the modern society. To improve national competitiveness, many countries have regarded programming as a compulsory course in their curriculum guidelines. Most of the programming courses for primary and secondary school students or beginners emphasize programming implementation to cultivate students’ basic skills. To understand the relationship of working memory and strategies with programming implementation, this research developed a game-based programming implementation system, whose purpose was to investigate how students apply their programming strategies through visual programming blocks with two types of perspective areas. Based on the programming behavior logs and eye tracking process, students’ data about the differences between the high and low achievers could be collected and further discussed. According to the average scores of programming implementation task, students were divided into two groups: the high achievers and the low achievers. In the relationship of working memory capacity with programming implementation ability, the result indicated that visual space ability and central executive controls have significant difference with implementation ability. In addition, based on the result of sequence analysis of eye tracking, it was found that the high achievers tended to apply top-down strategy while the low achievers preferred to apply bottom-up strategy. The high achievers are not only with better visual space ability and central executive controls, but tend to use top-down strategy in the problem solving process. However, the low achievers seemed to lack of consistent strategies.


蔡進雄. (2019). 未來教育新趨勢—各國程式設計教育的動態. 國家教育研究院電子報第 181 期.
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