  • 學位論文

2017 men’s uno 白領拳擊臺北爭雄之運動公關策略研究

2017 Men’s Uno White-Collar Boxing Taipei Competition for the Sport Public Relations Strategy Study

指導教授 : 黃妍榛


本研究目的旨在瞭解「2017 men’s uno 白領拳擊臺北爭雄」賽會之公關目的、策略執行與效益。為達研究目的,研究方法分別使用深度訪談該賽會公關執行與規劃人員,以及分析成果報告書、網路資料及宣傳報導等資料,並兼採內容分析法進行討論。研究結果發現,該賽會公關目的可分為企業、社會與環境三個面向。對象可分為首要企業 (即為本賽會贊助商) 及媒體;次要對象為拳館教練及學生、喜愛拳擊的民眾及喜歡時尚活動人士;特殊對象為時尚界人士 (含藝人);執行上可分為四步驟:一、事前調查,界定公關問題;二、擬定公關計畫並決定策略;三、付諸行動展開溝通,並整合多方訊息管道與媒體資源,搭配強化宣傳策略;四、評估計畫成效。效益方面,採多面向評估方式,包括媒體露出效益、報導則數、媒體價值、滿座率、公益義賣商品收入、贊助商金額、宣傳量與觸及人數、自我專業肯定及客戶主觀判斷等。本賽會在整體公關策略規劃與評估足稱完備,唯在邀約對象、企業合作、社群操作、活動回饋上仍稍嫌薄弱,建議未來相關賽會進行公關策略規劃與評估時,可針對這些面向進行多方考量。後續研究部分,建議可持續針對本賽會進行縱貫性比較分析,同時可將研究對象擴及其他運動賽會,並應加強對新媒體公關議題的關注。


The purpose of this study is to understand the public relations objectives, strategy implementation and effectiveness of the 「2017 men’s uno white-collar boxing Taipei competition」. For the purpose of research, the research methods used in-depth interviews with the public relations executives and planners, as well as using documentary research and content analysis method to analysis results reports, network materials and publicity reports. The study found that the purpose of public relations can be divided into three aspects: business, society and environment. Subjects can be divided into primary enterprises (sponsors of the competition) and the media; secondary objects are boxing coaches and students, people who love boxing and those who like fashion activities; special objects were fashion people (including artists); Implement can be divided into four steps: first, pre-investigation, defining PR issues; second, drafting public relations plans and deciding strategies; third, putting into action to communicate, and integrating multi-party information channels and media resources, with enhanced publicity strategies; four, evaluation. The benefit evaluation methods were including media exposure, reporting, media value, attendance rate, income from charity merchandise, sponsorship amount, amount of publicity and reach, self-professional affirmation and customer judgment. The overall PR strategy planning and evaluation were well-founded, but it was still weak in terms of invitations, corporate cooperation, social media, and feedback. It is recommended that when planning and evaluating PR strategies in the future related games, multiple considerations can be made for these aspects. In the follow-up study, it is recommended to conduct a longitudinal research of the competition, and to expand the research to other kind sports events, and to focus on new media PR issues.


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