  • 學位論文


The Study of the Operational Model of Chinese Enterprise Archery League

指導教授 : 吳慧卿 湯添進


中華企業射箭聯賽的開辦讓射箭運動在臺灣的發展走向了新的里程碑,本研究之目的主要是探討中華企業射箭聯盟成立背景與條件因素,並以CORPS模式 (CORPS Model) 分析其運作情況以及其對未來的願景與展望。本研究採半結構式訪談,以在臺灣從事射箭運動相關學術與產業工作以及在中華企業射箭聯盟或中華民國射箭協會擔任重要職務之專家為研究對象。研究結果顯示,在擁有良好培訓的機制下,造就臺灣優秀的射箭實力,進而推動聯賽的籌辦,吸引企業願意投入。其次,中華企業射箭聯盟之CORPS模式分析:影響中華企業射箭聯盟運作的決策核心 (DC) 由聯盟幹部與各企業隊領隊組成;中華企業射箭聯盟的服務對象 (C) 著重在選手身上,核心的業務運作 (O) 以辦理射箭聯賽為主,財務資源 (R) 依靠政府的補助與企業主的投資;在參與者 (P) 方面,除了執行長外,還有2位專職人員與1位兼職人員,其他則依賴中華民國射箭協會的人力,所提供的服務內容 (S) 包含滿足選手們在參與聯賽的需求以及讓企業主獲得足夠的媒體曝光。未來,中華企業射箭聯盟會朝擴大規模與職業化發展,持續強化臺灣射箭運動的競技實力。建議聯盟可以結合多元行銷方式,將聯賽加以推廣,並聘用運動管理或行銷相關的專業人力。在後續研究方面,採用其他組織運作理論或使用具體指標以量化研究方式來全面地暸解中華企業射箭聯盟的營運情況。


The opening of Chinese Enterprise Archery League has made the development of archery in Taiwan a new milestone. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explore the background and conditional factors of the establishment of Chinese Enterprise Archery League, as well as using the CORPS model to explore the current organizational conditions and vision for the future. This research adopts semi-structured interviews, and focuses on experts who are engaged in archery related academic and industrial work in Taiwan and hold important positions in the Chinese Enterprise Archery League or Chinese Taipei Archery Association.The research results show that, with a good training system, Taiwan’s excellent archery skills are cultivated, which in turn promotes the preparation of the league and attracts companies’ willingness to invest. Secondly, the analysis of the CORPS model of Chinese Enterprise Archery League: The decision core (DC) that affects the operation of the league is composed of the leaders of the league and the enterprise team. The service objects (C) of the Chinese Enterprise Archery League focuses on the players. The main operational business (O) of its is to manage the archery league, and the financial resource (R) depends on the government subsidy and the investment of the enterprise. In terms of participants (P), in addition to the chief executive officer, there are two full-time staff and one part-time staff. The others rely on the manpower of the Chinese Taipei Archery Association. The services (S) provided include meeting the needs of players participating in the league and allowing enterprise to get sufficient media exposure. In the future, the Chinese Enterprise Archery League will develop towards expansion and professionalization, and continue to strengthen the competitive strength of Taiwan’s archery. It is suggested that the league can combine multiple marketing methods, promote the league, and hire professional staff related to sports management or marketing. For future research, adopt other organizational operating theories or quantify research methods by use specific indicators to fully understand the operation of the Chinese Enterprise Archery League.


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