  • 學位論文


The Development of Multi-point Synchronous Low Concentration Indoor Ammonia Detection System and Cryo-free Preconcentration System

指導教授 : 呂家榮


本論文研究共分兩個部分,其一是承接「低濃度室內環境氣體偵測儀器」的開發,對原型機的性能進行改良與提升,經由電路、程式與傳感器電源供應更改為脈衝電流的方式、校正方式更改成單點校正,提升了整體的實用性,能夠穩定的達到4小時的連續量測,配合國立交通大學光電所提供的氨氣傳感器,以師大分部理學院廁所、木柵市場,進行實地的量測與分析,在廁所的部分,得出400 ppb氨濃度為廁所的背景氨濃度,濃度經由使用頻率上升而增加,在晚間8點過後的離峰時段普遍低於400 ppb的水平,市場部份於木柵市場二樓的魚攤區域進行測量,得到普遍氨濃度落在500 ppb到700 ppb之間,且經由單機台多點測量,證實了改良機對於環境濃度的空間變化具有一定的敏感性。 此外配合實驗室的GC/MS,架設非冷凝前濃縮系統,藉由填充吸附劑前濃縮管的輔助,能偵測到環境中數百ppt濃度的目標VOCs,提升實驗室內GC/MS的實用性。


This study continues the development of "Low-concentration indoor ammonia detection prototype" ,and improve the performance of the instrument by changing the design of the circuit and program. Using pulse power instead of DC power to provide the ammonia sensor, greatly improving the lifetime of sensor. This study is measured in the Mucha fish market and the male toilet. In the toilet, we measured an average ammonia concentration of 400 ppb, and after 8:00 pm, the ammonia concentration was generally lower than 400 ppb, indicating that the frequency of use of the toilet was greatly reduced, the average ammonia concentration was observed in the fish market from 500 ppb to 700 ppb, and by the multi-point measurement, proved that the instrument has immediate and accurate observation of concentration changes. In addition, by establishing a cryo-free preconcentration system, it is possible to detect VOCs in the environment with concentrations of hundreds of ppt. With the help of this system, increased diversity of samples that can be detected by GC/MS


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