  • 學位論文


Study on the Learning Outcomes of High School Students in the STEM Electromechanical Integration Activities Using the 6E Model

指導教授 : 蕭顯勝


機電整合(Mechatronics)附屬於工程教育的其中,機電整合並非一門獨立的學科,而是機械、電機、電子、資訊、創意及設計的結合,機電整合課程包括科學知識、資訊科技、數學運算以及科技工具的整合應用,過程中會進行問題解決、分析與決策等活動,並且可以產生學生STEM(Science、Technology、Engineering、Mathematics)的興趣以及提升連結課堂教學與日常生活的學習效果。而6E(Engage、Explore、Explain、Engineer、Enrich、Evaluate)教學是以學習者為中心的教學模式,目的是提升學習者設計與探究的能力,搭配實作教學活動可以整合理論知識與實作經驗。而現今教學現場所使用的模式是專家程式設計思考程序來教學,著重於程式設計思考能力。 本研究旨在探討不同教學模式(6E模式、專家程式設計思考程序)對高中學生在機電整合課程。研究對象為高中三年級第一類組學生共162位學生,實驗採用準實驗研究法,自變項為教學模式,依照不同教學模式分為6E模式與專家程式設計思考程序教學模式兩種;依變項則包含實作能力、運算思維,並在實驗前後會以語意流程圖析法去探討學生認知結構。研究結果顯示:(1)採用6E模式在STEM機電整合課程能有效的提升實作能力;(2)兩組學生學習STEM機電整合課程後對於運算思維的能力皆有提升;(3)從認知結構訪談中了解到學生概念數量及迴歸連結數量皆有增加。研究建議為在課程設計時選用可操控玩具之主題,可引起學生注意力及提升課程趣味性並且未來可將6E模式用於其他需要專題實作的課程。


機電整合 6E模式 STEM 運算思維


Mechatronics is related to engineering education. Mechatronics is not an independent discipline, but a combination of mechanics, motors, electronics, information, creativity and design. Mechatronics courses include scientific knowledge, information technology, mathematical operations and technology. The integration of tools, problem solving, analysis and decision-making activities can generate students' interest in STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics), improve the learning effect of connecting classroom teaching and daily life, and 6E ( Engage、Explore、Explain、Engineer、Enrich、Evaluate) Teaching is a learner-centered teaching model designed to enhance learners' design and exploration skills. Combining handson teaching activities can integrate theoretical knowledge and practical experience, but The model used in today's teaching scenes is an expert programming thinking program to focus on programming thinking. This study aims to explore the different teaching modes of high school students in the mechatronics curriculum (6E model, expert programming thinking process). The research was like the first batch of 162 students from high school. The experiment uses a quasi-experimental research method, and independent variable is a teaching mode. According to different teaching modes, it is divided into 6E mode and expert programming thinking program teaching mode. Dependent variable include practical ability and computational thinking, and will discuss the semantic structure of students before and after the experiment. The results show that: (1) using the 6E mode in the STEM mechatronics process can effectively improve the practical ability; (2) the two groups of students learn STEM mechatronics after improving their thinking ability; (3) from the cognitive structure in the interview, It is understood that the number of student concepts and the number of regression links have increased. The study suggests that the theme of steerable toys should be used in the design of the course, which can attract students' attention and enhance the interest of the course. In the future, the 6E model can be used for other courses that require thematic implementation.


mechatronics 6E mode STEM computational thinking


一、 中文部分
