  • 學位論文


Design and Implementation of Interdisciplinary STEAM Instruction: Teaching Programming by Musical Composition

指導教授 : 林育慈


STEM教育強調科際整合,以培養動手實作與真實世界之問題解決能力,非但為全球教育趨勢,亦為我國108科技領域課綱之重要理念。STEAM (STEM + Arts)則強調創意與綜合思維在教學過程的角色,除了科際整合與問題解決,亦強調培養個人表達、創造力與美感等能力,進而增進學生在STEM相關領域的學習興趣與表現。 本研究發展STEAM科際整合程式設計教學模式,使用JythonMusic作為程式設計工具,並探究此教學對程式設計學習成效、程式設計學習態度、程式創造力的影響,以及性別與音樂先備知識是否會影響程式設計的學習。而經研究結果發現: 一、實驗組學生在歷經STEAM科際整合程式設計教學後,其程式設計能力表現,與控制組的學生相比,並未有差異。不過,本研究設計之藉由聆聽音樂結果,對應程式邏輯,以及利用程式音樂創作的STEAM程式學習活動歷程,有助於學生程式設計的學習與表現。 二、實驗組學生在歷經STEAM科際整合程式設計教學後,於整體的程式創造力表現,及流暢力、變通力及敏覺力三個程式創造力向度的表現上,皆較控制組學生佳。也就是說,本研究設計的藉由聆聽音樂結果,對應程式邏輯,及在教學過程中,提供程式設計與音樂、生活情境的多種應用,能夠幫助學生程式創造力的表現。 三、實驗組學生在歷經STEAM科際整合程式設計教學後,認為:程式設計與藝術結合具有可行性、未來發展性,且在撰寫程式的過程中,也需要創造力,此外,程式設計也可以幫助解決其他領域的問題。然而,在想要學習程式設計的動力,與對這學期課程的想法,有顯著的差異。 四、在歷經STEAM科際整合程式設計教學後,於程式設計的學習表現,並未因性別的不同,而有差異。 五、在歷經STEAM科際整合程式設計教學後,無論其的音樂先備知識程度為何,都不會影響其程式設計學習成就表現。 本研究能提供未來欲從事STEAM科際整合教育與程式設計教學之教學者與研究者作為課程設計之參考。


Interdisciplinary STEM instruction can provide students with more opportunities to solve real-world problem and construct the related concepts. The STEAM instruction, which adds Arts into the STEM curriculum, highlights the role of creativity and comprehensive thinking in STEM. Creativity can increase the feasibility of produced solutions in solving STEM problems. However, few traditional STEM instruction emphasized the importance of creativity. This study is intended to add art and creativity to STEM by combining music composition and programming. Students can produce their own music by programming, which helped them map the music melody to the programming logic and then grasp more about the program constructs. More feasible programming solutions are expected to be developed by applying proper constructs accurately. An empirical study was conducted in a high school to explore the effectiveness of the proposed STEAM instruction, including programming ability, programming creativity, and learning attitude. JythonMusic was employed as a programming tool. The experiment results depict the research findings: 1.Although there was no significant difference in programming ability between the experimental group and the control group. students reflected that this STEAM instruction could help them map the music melody to the programming logic by listening to the music and mapping to the program instructions. 2.The experimental group had higher programming creativity because students in this group grasped the program constructs better and therefore could apply the constructs smoothly to solve new problems. 3.There was no difference in attitude toward computing between the experimental group and the control group. However, the experimental group made significant progress in programming self-efficacy, and agreed that the proposed STEAM instruction could help their programming learning and improve their basic knowledge of music. But because the programming tasks were challenging to the students in the experimental group, they did not have strong motivation to study further about computing. 4.Gender difference was not found in this STEAM instruction. 5.Prior knowledge of music did not affect students learning performance in this STEAM instruction.


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