  • 學位論文


The Feasibility Analysis of Industrial Development of TV Program Formats in Taiwan

指導教授 : 董澤平


三、四十年前,台灣的電視產業正逐漸從原本老三台的模式,轉型成大量開放有線電視公司的進駐,而從那一刻開始,電視台間的競爭可謂百家爭鳴,在這過程中,台灣的電視產業曾經歷過大量輸出節目內容至國外的輝煌時期,也曾經歷節目內容品質低落,電視產業萎縮的低潮期。 本研究使用可行性分析以及專家訪談,再輔以文獻回顧以及二級資料蒐集法為基礎,探討台灣是否有能力,自行產製屬於台灣的電視版式,藉此改善台灣目前電視產業的現狀。 在文章中作者藉由訪談研究電視版式多年的四位專家,從台灣電視產業的專業角度,提供對於市場面、資金面以及法律面可行性的看法以及建議。 另外,筆者於研究的過程當中蒐集荷蘭、韓國及以色列等電視版式發展大國在發展電視版式產業時的做法。 透過專家訪談評析三個可行性之構面,加上二級資料、文獻之蒐集,最後歸納出台灣往後若欲自行產製電視版式之最適策略及方案,希望藉由此一策略及建議,提供市場上商業電視公司一明確的方向,也希望能夠藉由電視版式活絡整個電視產業。


Thirty or forty years ago, Taiwan’s television industry was gradually transforming from the original Big-three station into a large number of open cable companies. From that moment, competition among television stations could be described as intensive. In this process, Taiwan TV industry has experienced a glorious period of exporting a large amount of program content to foreign countries, and also experienced a low tide period in which the quality of the program content has deteriorated and shrunk. This study uses feasibility analysis and expert interviews, supplemented by literature reviews and second-grade data research, to explore whether Taiwan has the ability to produce its own TV format, thereby improving the current status of Taiwan's TV industry. In this article, the author has interviewed four experts who have studied TV format for many years. From the professional perspective of the Taiwan TV industry, they provide views and suggestions on the feasibility of the market, capital and legal aspects. Through expert interviews and analysis of the three feasible aspects, the collection of second-grade data and literature added, and summarized the most suitable strategy and plan for Taiwan to produce its own TV format in the future, I hope that through this strategy and suggestions, we can provide a clear direction for commercial TV companies.


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