  • 學位論文

The Effects of Training and Development and Supervisor Support on Employee Performance in Taiwan: Work Engagement as a Moderator

The Effects of Training and Development and Supervisor Support on Employee Performance in Taiwan: Work Engagement as a Moderator

指導教授 : 賴志樫






Nowadays, human resources development activities are the best tools for training human capital today. The ultimate goal of training and development is to improve the performance of employees' work, and the support of supervisors has an impact on employee performance, so that employees can generate high levels of work engagement through training and development and supervisor support to improve employee performance. There are four variables in this study, the purpose of which is to study the links between the employee of the company’s training and development, supervisor support, employee performance and work engagement. There were 245 valid questionnaires collected at the end, and the results revealed the independent variables, training and development and supervisor support are significantly and positively related with employee performance, but the work engagement, there is no moderator effect between the relationships of the variables. The subjects of the sample survey are mainly participants who with work experience. The study used SPSS version software to analyse data collected from the survey. This result shows when Taiwanese companies make appropriate plans for employee training and with the support of supervisors, will enhance employees' work engagement, improve employee performance, and help promote the organization’s development.


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