  • 學位論文


The Career Transition Dilemma Faced by Elite Athletes: A Point of View of Social Exclusion Theory

指導教授 : 程瑞福




Elite athletes’ transition out of competitive sports has been an area of growing concerns for governments in recent years. The apparent lack of employment opportunities in job markets has reinforced issues of career transition faced by retired elite athletes. The research focus was on sharing of successful stories in career transition, particularly on the few cases that had encountered difficulties or the experience of being socially excluded. Social exclusion is a multidimensional process of progressive social rupture, detaching groups and individuals from social relations and institutions and preventing them from full participation in the normal, normatively prescribed activities of the society in which they live. Thus, this study aimed to explore the process and experience of being elite athletes, the mechanisms of individuals' downward spiral, with the accumulation of dimensions of social exclusion by in-depth interviews with retired athletes. Purposive sampling and snowball sampling method were adopted to select 6 retired elite athletes, who had undergone more than 10 years of professional training and represented the national teams on the international stage. Inductive and constant comparative method analysis were used to summarize the possible reasons why elite athletes faced the difficulties in career transitions out of sport. The results revealed that retired elite athletes faced exclusions from economics, politics, social relations, culture, and social welfare aspects. The study examined the accumulation of exclusions over time, eventually leaded to self-restriction, and self-excluded themselves from the field of sports. The study concluded that the importance of athletes acquiring basic academic skills in school education, and develop a second area of expertise. There are a number of ways to shorten the career transition period, the government and other relevant bodies offer future "employability" training and related counseling sessions, as well as career aptitude test.


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