  • 學位論文


The Development of Sociology of Sport in Taiwan: A Perspective of Sociology of Knowledge

指導教授 : 湯添進 李炳昭


近年來,臺灣運動社會學的學術地位備受挑戰,除了缺乏與社會學垂直的向上連結,在體育學門的發表量,也落後於運動生理學、心理學、力學等自然學科,甚至也遠少於同屬人文社會科學的運動管理學。過去不乏探討體育學或運動社會學發展的研究,但主要聚焦於學術產出或是知識生產的成果,包含研究的數量、議題的分佈……等,大多從研究的「成果」來探討。然而,從知識社會學的觀點來看,這些知識的產出或成果,其實都跟學者及其所處的環境有密切關係。可惜的是,很少人觸及這個學術社群內的學者的想法,即是這些大部分為大學教師的成員,他們對自己研究的想法、看法及做法。同樣重要的是,身為大學教師肩負的知識傳遞工作,對指導學生的想法與做法,也是本研究關注的焦點。此外,身為知識分子的學者,在擔任這些知識生產與傳遞的角色時,他們是否保有某種理念或價值,他們是否試圖改善環境,也是知識社會學關注的焦點。為探究上述的問題,本研究根據知識社會學觀點,採用內容分析法及半結構式訪談,訪談21位臺灣運動社會學相關學者。結果發現:一、臺灣運動社會學的學術社群,由本土培養博士、留學博士以及其他學科的博士所組成。其中的成員分佈也對後續的發展造成影響。二、經濟、科技與就業導向的臺灣高等教育政策,建構出不利於運動社會學學者的學術環境,這些大學教師的知識產出受到任職系所、升等評鑑……等形成場域中的諸多箝制;三、學者的知識傳遞,同樣在這樣的學術環境下,學術發表的平臺被限縮至SSCI或TSSCI等期刊,而非用以傳遞學科基礎知識的教科書。本研究結論是,臺灣運動社會學在2002年到2012年之間,曾歷經「多重發展」的時期,但是受制於現在的學術環境,目前不論是新的研究人才、大學教師的成長都面臨趨緩的困境,身處其中的學者,必須試著發揮Karl Mannheim所謂的「烏托邦」精神,嘗試改善這個環境。


The sociology of sport has suffered a diminishing role in Taiwan’s academia. Lacking vertical integration with sociology, its parent discipline, the field has also been outmatched in the number of published papers by related natural sciences, such as sport and exercise physiology, psychology and biomechanics, and even out researched by sports management by a large margin. There has been no shortage of research on the development of sports studies and the sociology of sport. However, the focus has mainly been on academic output and knowledge production, with reports documenting the number of studies and the distribution of research topics – most of which only scratched the surface of the issue at hand. From a sociology of knowledge perspective, the production of knowledge is, in fact, closely related to the academic environment in which it takes place. Sadly, few researchers have probed into the mind of the scholars who constitute the knowledge community of the sociology of sport. Most of these scholars are college teachers whose thoughts, viewpoints and practices towards their own research are understudied. What is equally important and was also examined in this study is the thoughts and practices that these scholars, who play a key role in the transfer of knowledge, impose on the students they supervise. Another question to be explored and hopefully answered is whether these scholars have the conviction to change the academic environment for the better when producing and imparting knowledge. To dig into the above questions, this study adopted sociology of knowledge perspective and employed content analysis with semi-structured interviews. A total of 21 sports sociologists from Taiwan were interviewed. The main findings are as follows: 1. the knowledge community of the sociology of sport in Taiwan consists of doctorate holders from three sources: home-grown, foreign-educated and other disciplines. The makeup of the community has influenced the field’s development. 2. Taiwan’s higher education policies – economically-oriented, technologically-biased and employment-driven – have resulted in an academic environment unconducive to sports sociologists. The production of knowledge has been hindered by multiple factors, including academic bureaucracy and teaching evaluation for promotion. 3. The transfer of knowledge is limited under such an environment, as academic publishing is mainly confined to platforms such as SSCI and TSSCI, instead of being included in textbooks that could have reached a wider readership among students. This study concluded that between 2002 and 2012, the sociology of sport in Taiwan underwent a period of diversification. However, impeded by the current academic environment, both the number of new researchers and college teachers have seen sluggish growth. Scholars who find themselves in this predicament should address the problem and live up to the utopian spirit of famed sociologist, Karl Mannheim – that is, to strive for a better academic environment and become what Mannheim called “true intellectuals”.


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張育愷、洪聰敏 (2014)。臺灣運動與體育領域學術期刊論文發表之現況分析。體育學報,47(1),1-9。
陳閔祺、蘇維杉 (2011)。運動管理學研究議題與發展趨勢分析。運動休閒管理學報,8(1),111-126。
中華民國大專院校體育總會 (2015)。大專「大專體育學刊」稿約。取自http://www.airitilibrary.com/jnltitledo/15633470-n.pdf
中華民國體育學會 (2015)。《體育學報》投稿須知。取自http://journal.rocnspe.org.tw/contents/contents/contents.asp?id=8&menuID=2
