  • 學位論文


An Aesthetic Model of Cultural-Themed Restaurant

指導教授 : 洪久賢 陳美燕


因應整體全球對於文化保存之趨勢,近年來臺灣政府對於文化培育與發展及全民美 感素養提升越顯重視。對於當地人民長久發展的歷史背景及生活習慣等所演變而成文化 中,飲食是最重要的基礎一塊,也是近年來受到聯合國教科文組織非物質遺產文化重視 的項目。欲了解不同飲食文化,餐廳是最佳的文化中介。因此,本研究探索不同文化主 題之餐廳,如何透過美學展現文化以建構出文化主題餐廳美學模式。本研究採用質量並 進之研究策略,首先以符號學為觀點,運用質性取逕的文獻回顧並針對文化、美學及餐 飲相關產業與學者進行深度訪談,而後進行文本分析,最後萃取出文化主題餐廳美學模 式內涵初稿。接續,透過多準則決策法(Multiple Criteria Decision Making, MCDM)的量化 取逕中的模糊德爾菲法(Fuzzy Delphi Method, FDM),採用專家調查的方式再度邀訪相關 領域、但不同於第一階段之專家進行文化主題餐廳美學模式內涵初稿的檢驗與增修,以 確認文化主題餐廳美學模式與構面準則之完整正確性。最後,再透過決策實驗室分析法 (Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory, DEMATEL)與 DEMATEL 為基礎之網 路分析法(DEMATEL-based Analytic Network Process, DANP)找出文化主題餐廳美學模式 構面 準則 間之動態影響關係及相對權重, 最後再透過 折衷排序法 . (VlseKriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje, VIKOR)運用實際餐廳案例進行績效評估,以展示本 模式使用方式。研究結果建構出一具有餐飲因素、設計氛圍因素、及社交因素等 3 個構 面,以及 21 個準則之模式,另外也分別求構面與構面下準則之影響互動關係,其中餐 飲係為影響其他構面最廣泛之因素,而設計氛圍則是受影響最廣泛之因素。再者,本研 究亦計算出本模式各構面準則之權重,而在構面之相對權重部分,其分數從高至低依序 為設計氛圍、餐飲、及社交因素,而旗下權重最高之準則分別為餐飲名稱、內容與典故、 視覺識別、員工服務禮儀等。最後,本研究以兩間文化主題餐廳套用以上演算出之模式 後找出總差距最少的之餐廳,以作為消費者選擇時之最符合文化主題餐廳美學之參考; 另外,分別找出兩間餐廳與最理想文化主題餐廳美學之各評選項目之期望值差距表現, 以提供餐各餐廳進行永續發展成為最理想之情況之參考。本研究建構出全面性且能被實 務運用之文化主題餐廳美學模式,對未來國家進行飲食文化保存發展、餐飲業創新創業、 學術教育機構傳遞相關知識或是相關研究之延伸有所貢獻外,同時亦可以對於當今文化 主題餐廳,邁向永續發展符合文化美學理想值之最佳參考評鑑之工具手段。


餐飲 設計氛圍 社交 評估 永續


According to the trend of cultural preservation, Taiwanese government raises the concern of the cultural cultivation and development and raise the civic aesthetics. Food is the basis of the culture, and the item has been emphasized by the Intangible Cultural Heritage Section of United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Previous studies indicated that the best media of exploring different food culture is the restaurant. Therefore, the research purpose is to explore the aesthetic way that represents the culture in different cultural-themed restaurants to construct an aesthetic model of the cultural-themed restaurant. The author will adopt a mixed method of combing qualitative and quantitative research in this study. First, the author will utilize the qualitative way that explores the draft of the content, including dimensions and criteria, of the aesthetic model of the cultural-themed restaurant based on the theory, Semiotics. Next, the author will transfer into the quantitative way and adopt the Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) methods to develop the final model. Fuzzy Delphi Method (FDM) will be utilized in the beginning. The study will invite the experts from government, academia, and industry to revise and confirm the aesthetic model of the cultural-themed restaurant. Finally, the study will adopt Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL), DEMATEL-based Analytic Network Process (DANP), and VlseKriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje (VIKOR) to explore the dynamic relations and weight of the dimensions and criteria in the aesthetic model of the cultural-themed restaurant, and to demonstrate that how to evaluate cultural-themed restaurants through two real cases. The result showed that the model contains three dimensions, including food and beverage, design and atmosphere, and social element, and twenty-one criteria. Moreover, according to the analysis of the DEMATEL and DANP, the food and beverage dimension can influence others most widely; the highest weight is design and atmosphere. Finally, through the demonstrations of the expert’s evaluations of two restaurants, consumers can choose the best ideal aesthetic cultural-themed restaurant; moreover, the owners of the restaurants can revise their restaurants based on the model to chase the ideal aesthetics step by step. The model contributes to the national cultural development, industrial practitioners, and academia.


