  • 學位論文


A study on the process and development of government reform: taking the Ministry of Education as an example

指導教授 : 吳清基 黃乃熒


本研究旨在探討近年來我國政府在組織改造之歷程與發展,選定我國中央教育行政機關-教育部為個案進行分析與研究。本研究將研究重點期間鎖定在民國102年所進行之教育部組織改造的前後階段,因為教育部及其所屬機關(構)組織法自民國102年1月1日正式施行,迄今已四年有餘,組織改造前後之歷程與變化實有必要加以分析與研究。緣此,本論文透過焦點團體座談及深度訪談之研究方法,以行政院組織改造主責者、教育部組織改造規劃者、教育部組織改造影響者及專家學者等四類人員為研究對象,進一步探討教育部在此波政府組織改造之歷程與發展,獲致以下結論: 在教育部組織改造規劃的情形及歷程方面,此次組織改造有其必要性,原因係配合政府政策、因應社會變遷、符應時代潮流及解決內部單位擴增膨脹問題;組織改造規劃受應然因素(理論研究、教育需求、經驗法則等理想面)及實然因素(結構框架、政黨政治、員額預算等現實面)的影響,其中以政治力量左右組改決策為最;印象最深刻的組改事件為「原核定業務單位青年發展司變為三級機關青年發展署,另成立學生事務司」。   在教育部組織改造後工作調整情形方面,業務單位僅資訊及科技教育司有正式人員編制問題、綜合規劃司僅能做彙整而非前瞻性規劃問題;三署僅體育署整合成果最好,青年署及國教署功能未完全發揮;部本部及三署同仁業務負擔不減反重;部署間或署內分文仍有爭議、權責劃分仍不清。   在教育部組織改造對教育發展的影響方面,整體來看,組改後在精實面、彈性面的目標實踐上較有成效,而在效能面則有待加強;在「精實面」肯定教育部組改後已精簡(機關)單位、已改善未法制化單位的問題,惟人員合理配置部分待檢討;在「彈性面」肯定多元化組織類型、任用雙軌制已增彈性,國訓中心行政法人化後較有彈性;在「效能面」,以整體效能、綜合規劃效能及跨單位執行業務效能而言,從外部觀點來看,僅行政院代表認為組改後教育部整體成效提升,綜合規劃司已發揮正面功能,跨單位執行業務效能亦有提升,而從內部觀點來看,多數教育部代表則認為除體育署整體效能提升外,教育部本部、國教署與青年署因行政流程較過去繁複,整體效能及綜合規劃效能普遍未提升,且橫向溝通、業務協調未如組改前順暢,有窗口卻無效能。   基於上述研究結果,本研究亦提出具體可行的建議以供政府組織改造主管機關、教育部及後續研究參考。


The purpose of this study is to explore the course and development of our government in the process of organizational reform in recent years, taking the Ministry of Education as a case study and research subject. This study focuses on the organizational transformation of the Ministry of Education during the period of 2013, before and after reform. The Executive Yuan in Taiwan was restructured On January 1st, 2012, with three main principles: streamlined performance, flexibility, and efficacy. The Ministry of Education was in accordance with the Executive Yuan's 2012 policy directions that focused on achieving the restructuring of central government agencies, and building a streamlined, flexible and efficient government. The Ministry of Education is part of the Executive Yuan and is responsible for national academic and educational administration, including education policy planning and legislation and supervision of educational matters. As the originator of education policies, the Ministry is committed to the adaptation and innovation of the education system. In the context of the organizational transformation of the Ministry of Education, the organizational transformation has its necessity. In this study, the author adopts a qualitative research method which included content analysis, focus group and in-depth interview. To further explore the history and development of the Ministry of Education in this wave of government organizational transformation, several conclusions are founded in this study. The organizational reform of the Ministry of Education has achieved success in organizational leaning and improved flexibility; however, the effectiveness of the Ministry remains to be enhanced. In terms of organizational leaning, the Ministry has made commendable efforts to simplify its structure and to promote legalization among its subordinate agencies and departments, but it should still strive to improve the system of human resource allocation. In terms of flexibility, the Ministry’s efforts in promoting organization diversification are commendable, specifically that the hybrid appointing and hiring policy has proved its flexibility in recruitment, and the National Sports Training Center has also considerably improved its flexibility after its conversion to an administrative corporation. In terms of overall effectiveness, general planning effectiveness, and interagency cooperation effectiveness, the view of the Executive Yuan is that the reformed Ministry of Education has achieved greater overall effectiveness, its Department of Planning is functioning in a satisfactory manner, and the interagency cooperation effectiveness has increased. The Ministry of Education, however, maintains that although the overall effectiveness of the Sports Administration has been improved, the ministry itself, the K-12 Education Administration, and Youth Development Administration have not exhibited much improvement in overall effectiveness and general planning. The Ministry claimed that the increasingly complicated administrative processes hindered the improvement of overall effectiveness and general planning effectiveness of their subordinate agencies. Moreover, interagency communication and cooperation became less smooth; oftentimes, although a point of contact does exist, it is by no means effective. Based on those findings in this research, this study is able to be provided some suggestions and followed by other researches and as reference for practical applications.


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