  • 學位論文


An Analysis on the Institutional Regulation of Gender Equality Rights in Taiwan:Based on Gender Equity Education Act

指導教授 : 黃城


臺灣於2004年通過《性別平等教育法》迄今已滿12年,該法宗旨為促進性別地位之實質平等,消除性別歧視,維護人格尊嚴,厚植並建立性別平等之教育資源與環境。臺灣校園推動性別平權,已在法令制度規範面奠定了一個良好的基礎,藉以落實憲法保障人權及性別平等的意旨,但在實際落實面,仍有需多面臨的困境亟需改進。 本研究透過國際保障人權及性別平等的潮流中,從聯合國陸續公布相關人權公約以及攸關性別平等的消除對婦女一切歧視公約(CEDAW)為出發點,透過瞭解人權及性別平等的內容及精神後,回頭檢視臺灣對於推動性別平權的憲法、法律及政策層面的制度規範與實施性別平等教育的及發展趨勢。而後回歸到臺灣《性別平等教育法》對性別平權的制度規範,對於實務處理校園性別事件與推動性別平等教育所延伸的實務困境,依照不同面向加以檢視及分析。 本研究對性別平等教育法推動性別平權的改進建議如下: 1、回歸性別平等教育議題融入,推動性別平權; 2、落實校園性別事件處理機制,實踐性別平權; 3、營造性別意識之友善校園,增能性別平權; 4、匯流國際人權及性別平等趨勢,檢視性別平權。 本研究之研究發現如下: 1、國際人權與性別平權漸受我國憲法及法律的制度規範保障; 2、性別平等教育法是我國校園推動性別平權的核心制度規範; 3、性別平等教育法對性別平權的制度規範與實務困境亟需改進。 本文之研究建議如下: 1、本研究所提出之相關改進建議可列入修法之參考; 2、對未來校園性別事件之處理及防治,提出持續落實校園性別事件之處理、重視教育宣導及增能培訓與型塑多元尊重校園文化之環境等三階段改進建議; 3、如何匯流國際人權法案,有賴司法、立法及行政機關落實。


It has been 12 years since it passed Gender Equity Education Act in Taiwan in 2004. The main purpose of the act is to promote gender equity education, eliminate gender discriminations, protect human dignity, and establish a gender equitable environment. Although the gender equity education in Taiwan campus has set a proper foundation in the legislative system to practice the constitution, there are still a lot of obstacles waiting ahead in reality. The research follows the trend of human rights and gender equity, and it starts with related human right covenants from UN and CEDAW. I hope it can survey Taiwan’s policy and system aspects of practicing gender equity education through understanding the contents of human rights and gender equity. When we inspect the regulations of Gender Equity Education Act, there are actually some difficulties to deal with campus gender events and to set gender equity education in action. The followings are the analyses toward different aspects. The research improvement suggestions on promoting Gender Eequity Education Act: 1.Involving gender equity education while teaching can improve gender equity. 2.Dealing with campus gender events properly can practice gender equity. 3.Creating friendly campus environments can strengthen gender equity. 4.Collecting international human rights and trends of gender equity can examine it The findings of the research: 1.International human rights and gender equity has gained supporting of the law system and the constitution. 2.Gender Equity Education Act is the core regulation for campuses in Taiwan to advance gender equity. 3.Gender Equity Education Act still needs to be revised on the regulations of gender equityand and actual difficulties. The suggestions of the research: 1.Give an impetus to the revision of Gender Equity Education Act Regulation. 2.Give three steps of improvement suggestions continuouslly on dealing with campus gender events, putting emphasis on gender education, and creating friendly campus environments. 3.It needs authorities’ concerns over international human rights laws.


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