.05),但罹患心血管疾病從高風險數值 (3.70 mg/dL) 降至為中風險數值 (1.89 mg/dL)。此外,AAE組與PE組在安靜心跳數數值上皆有顯著降低 (13.8%與13.5%)。結論:增補黑木耳粉末膠囊可有效改善LDL-C與AI,若再加上有氧運動則更具加乘效果;也再次證實從事有氧運動對於身體組成、代謝指標與安靜心跳數提供較多正面改善心血管疾病之效果。']' /> 黑木耳增補與有氧運動介入對過重者身體組成與代謝指標之影響 = The effects of Auricularia auricular supplementation and aerobic exercise on body composition and metabolic markers in overweight adults|Airiti Library 華藝線上圖書館
  • 學位論文


The effects of Auricularia auricular supplementation and aerobic exercise on body composition and metabolic markers in overweight adults

指導教授 : 謝伸裕


['目的:探討短時間黑木耳增補與有氧運動介入對過重者身體組成、代謝指標、血壓與安靜心跳數影響。方法:招募32名BMI≧24 kg/m2過重男性 (年齡:20.53±1.30歲;身高:173.45±6.70公分;體重:90.16±19.48公斤;BMI:29.83±5.32 kg/m2) ,並依心肺耐力指數配對均分成四組:黑木耳有氧運動組 (AAE組) 、安慰劑有氧運動組 (PE組) 、黑木耳組 (AA組) 和控制組 (CON組) 。實驗期間共四週,AAE組、PE組與AA組每天進行黑木耳 (或安慰劑) 增補6公克,且AAE組和PE組每週須從事50%~60% HRR有氧運動150分鐘;在實驗前 (PRE) 、實驗第8、15、22與29天 (D8、D15、D22與D29) 測量身體組成、血壓與安靜心跳數,並同時於PRE、D15與D29採集代謝指標,分析血漿中血糖 (BG) 、三酸甘油酯 (TG) 、總膽固醇 (TC) 、高密度脂蛋白膽固醇 (HDL-C) 、低密度脂蛋白膽固醇 (LDL-C) 、C-胜肽鍊胰島素 (C-peptide) 、高敏感度C反應蛋白 (hs-CRP) 與動脈硬化指數 (AI) ,並以混合設計二因子變異數分析進行考驗,顯著水準為α=.05。結果:在體重和BMI方面,PE組於D22與D29比PRE達顯著下降;而腰圍方面,AAE組與PE組在D29天比D8下降5.5%與4.8%達顯著水準;但各組在體脂肪百分比、非脂肪重與腰臀圍比則未達顯著差異。代謝指標方面,AAE組、PE組與AA組在LDL-C與AI數值上皆有顯著下降;PE組在TC與C-peptide濃度達顯著下降,並顯著提高HDL-C濃度。至於AAE組在hs-CRP濃度變化雖未達顯著差異(p>.05),但罹患心血管疾病從高風險數值 (3.70 mg/dL) 降至為中風險數值 (1.89 mg/dL)。此外,AAE組與PE組在安靜心跳數數值上皆有顯著降低 (13.8%與13.5%)。結論:增補黑木耳粉末膠囊可有效改善LDL-C與AI,若再加上有氧運動則更具加乘效果;也再次證實從事有氧運動對於身體組成、代謝指標與安靜心跳數提供較多正面改善心血管疾病之效果。']


['Purpose: To investigate the effects of Auricularia auricular (AA) supplementation and aerobic exercise on body composition and metabolic markers, blood pressure (BP), and resting heart rate (RHR) in overweight adults. Methods: Using the scores of the 3 min step-test, thirty-two overweight adults (age 20.53±1.30 yrs; height 173.45±6.70 cm; weight 90.16±19.48 kg; BMI 29.82±5.31 kg/m2) were divided into 4 groups: 1. AA plus aerobic exercise (AAE group). 2. placebo plus aerobic exercise (PE group). 3. AA (AA group). 4. control (CON group). AAE, PE and AA groups were supplemented with 6 g AA powder capsulate or placebo capsulate every day for four weeks. Aerobic exercise program was at 50%~60% HRR intensity on treadmill for 150 min per week. Body composition, BP and RHR were measured at prior to experiment, Day8, Day15, Day22, and Day29 (PRE, D8, D15, D22, D29). Metabolic markers were measured at PRE, D15 and D29. The markers include BG, TG, TC, HDL-C, LDL-C, C-peptide, hs-CRP and TC/HDL-C (AI). A mixed design 2-way ANOVA were used to compare the difference among the groups. The significant level was set at α=.05. Results: The PE group had a significant reduction in weight and body mass index at D22 and D29. AAE group and PE group had lower waist circumference (p<.05) . All groups had no significant effects in percent body fat, fat free mass and waist-hip ratio. In AAE, PE, and AA group, there were a significant loss in LDL-C and AI at D15 and D29. The PE group also decreased in C-peptide concentration and elevated HDL-C concentration. In AAE group, although there was no significant change (p>.05) in hs-CRP, but lowered cardiovascular disease risk from high risk (3.70 mg/dL) to middle risk (1.89 mg/dL). AAE and PE groups also decreased in RHR (13.8% and 13.5%). Conclusions: AA supplementation can change LDL-C and AI effectively. Aerobic exercise can offer more positive effects on body composition, metabolic markers and RHR.']


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