  • 學位論文


New Doctorate Holders in the Education Field: Finding Employment of Being the Professors in Taiwan

指導教授 : 王如哲 陳佩英


本研究在了解我國教育學門新科博士之就業,並聚焦在大專校院中教職之應徵情況。為回答此問題,依序從四部分切入:首先分析我國高等教育人力市場上,對於教育學門博士的供給與需求;再探索新科博士應徵教職時,其所遭遇之困境;以及遭遇困境時可運用之資源;最後,提出對我國高等教育人才培育政策之建議。 本研究應用質性研究設計,先自政府資訊公開與NPHRST資料庫中蒐集數據以進行描述統計,並經2位個別訪談之前導研究,以及文獻探討之統合,研擬出:就業機會、能力與資源的三向度分析架構。再用此分析架構對24位新科博士與3位擁有徵人經驗之教授,進行半結構式的個別匿名訪談。以NVivo 11及三角檢證法分析質性訪談稿,最後綜合此質性分析與前述的描述統計,撰寫成研究發現。 研究發現,近期我國教育學門人力市場係屬供過於求,因此新科博士若要掌握能幫助就業的促進因素,需從就業能力、資源與機會三者著力。因為我國人力市場上的限制因素,除了少子化下仍將持續減少的就業機會,也存在對於特定人才任用的迷思,進而排除了部份新科博士的就業機會,再加上聘任制度仍存如欠缺專業人事參與的缺陷,使得新科博士若不能審慎處理負面影響的社會網絡關係,則將受此些限制因素影響而降低獲聘教職之機會。 故,本研究提出「就業金字塔理論」,協助分析就業樣態,結合研究實證研擬就業策略:強化個人專業學術、行政、外語能力,以及新科博士個人的學科社群與社會網絡人脈,並以職涯發展的長期觀經營自己,以開創就業機會。 據此,本研究提出以下建議:一、政府端宜保持教育部與勞動部等跨部會合作的畢業生巨量分析,維繫長期的統計資料庫,以證據為本規劃施政。二、大專校院本身一方面要能調整與新科博士間對於就業之認知落差,另方面也要優化所提供的博士教育,以定做人才的概念培育博士為用。三、新科博士自身的就業策略:(一)應用職涯發展能力、(二)掌握社會網絡人脈資源、(三)爭取經濟性資源以厚實待業資本、(四)調整人力市場上聘僱雙方的認知差距。


This paper is intended as an investigation of the doctorate holders in the education field. Four purposes are involved in this paper: (1) To explore the equilibrium where both supply and demand curves met in the higher education labour market in Taiwan. (2) To find out the boosts of assisting the new doctorate holders to obtain the positions of professors in Taiwan. (3) To clarify the problems the new doctorate holders faced while finding the positions of prfessors in Taiwan. (4) To draw the employment plan for the new doctorate holders to implement while applying to the teaching positions in the universities in Taiwan. For the four purposes to be achieved, this study analysed the statistics from the NPHRST database. Next, the resercher used the unstructured interview to design the later semi-structured interview from two pilot study respondents, two new doctorate holders. Later, the researcher implemented the semi-structured interview to collect further information from 24 new doctorate holders and 3 recruiting professors. These interview information is examined by NVivo and triangulation. According to the survey, the demand curve is decreasing however the supply curve is increasing in the higher education labour market in Taiwan. Based on the literature review and the pilot study, an analysis structure can be identified by three items including: (1) the personal employability, (2) the resource of employment and (3) the opportunity. The three items implied the boosts of assisting the new doctorate holders to find the professor positions. Therefore, the new doctorate holders need to strengthen their professional abilities in addition to the skill of career-planning and foreign language. Most importantly, the social network is the boost to help the new doctorate holders to connect to the possision opprotunities. On the contrary, the social network which ruins the relationship between the new doctorate holders and members from the academic clubs decreases the opportunities of being the professors. Besides, without personnel involving in the recruiting process and correct understanding between the new doctorate holders and the recruit members, this leads to an unsuccessful employment result. This study proposed the “Theory of Employment Pyramid” to explain the three main characters of employment market: (1) the personal employability, (2) the resource of employment and (3) the opportunity. Furthermore, the basement of the pyramid is the new doctorate holders’ curriculum vitae which define the beginning status for them through the employment process. Finally, this study suggests the new doctorate holders to earn monetary resource and social network to help themselves to obtain the teaching positions. Moreover, the new doctorate holders need to develop their own career ladder and adjust their imagination of the academic work to suit employers’ need. As to the employers themselves, the higher education units, they had better adjust their imagination to the new dotcorate holders and design the new doctorate curriculum to help their students to meet the market need. At last, the government sectors including the educational, the labour department and the relative ones, should cooperate with each other to set up and maintain the database of doctorate human resource.


