  • 學位論文


A Case Study of An Early Childhood Teacher’s Practical Knowledge of Formative Assessment

指導教授 : 吳毓瑩


本研究以個案研究法,探究一位具有十九年幼教年資的幼兒教師在教室中學習評量行動與形成性評量實踐知識,具體研究目的有三:1. 探究形成性評量實踐脈絡;2. 統整形成性評量實踐事件背後之實踐知識理據;3. 發現導引形成性評量實踐知識的層次,包含規則、原則與意象;4. 歸納形成性評量實踐知識之內涵。研究者經歷八個月51次入園,227小時的觀察、十次定期訪談及無數次觀察後立即訪談,採用開放編碼、主軸編碼、類別分析後,有以下發現: 一、學習指標是關鍵:主角老師同時關注全班整體進步及個別表現,規劃不同形式之形成性評量,學習指標成為理解與拆解核心素養與領域能力的理解與拆解的導引關鍵。 二、「評量身在學習中」(assessment in learning)的精神以及「掂估評量」(size-up assessment)的掌握:形成性評量的實踐目的在回饋教學與促進學習,融合正式與非正式方法,包含預先規劃評量任務與教室日常自然發生之師生互動。形成性評量之品質判斷多數源自評量指標的評量規準,同時融合幼兒教師對學習的多元價值,引發後續即時的適性與適齡教學引導。主角教師在形成性評量實踐中蘊含「評量身在學習中」與「掂估評量」的觀點,充分展現評量與學習互動的實踐精神。 三、師生合作堆砌沙堡的隱喻:主角老師的形成性評量實踐知識有三個層次,分別為1. 意象層次—「師生合作堆砌複雜的沙堡」;2. 原則層次—「堆砌沙堡的運作理念」:每一個孩子都不能落、每一個家都參與;3. 規則層次—「堆砌沙堡的行動」:手把手的引導、每一刻都不能等、每個機會都值得、每日都有回家任務。 四、幼兒教師形成性評量實踐知識,包含自我知識、教學環境知識、領域與課程知識、教學與評量方法知識、幼兒發展與學習特質知識等五項類別。 本研究根據結果提出重點討論,包括形成性評量的有效性、教學評量與學習評量的關係、幼兒教師生活經驗的滋養、評量意象的轉變與定位、研究者省思等議題。最後歸納結論並提出在研究上與在實務上的建議。


The objectives of this case study were to: 1. Understand the context of formative assessment in the classroom of a senior early childhood teacher, 2. Analysis the actions and intentions of formative assessment to realize the contents of practical knowledge, 3. Generalize the levels of practical knowledge of formative assessment, 4. Integrate the practical knowledge of formative assessment. With eight months participation observations and interviews, the major results were: 1. Learning indicators were the key to form the contents of formative assessment, guiding to assess the core competences and capacities of domains in learning progress. 2. Formative assessment was built in “assessment in learning” and “size-up assessment”, in order to promote the age and individually appropriate learning moment-to-moment. 3. The image of “teacher-child cooperation in constructing a complicated sand castle” was the metaphor of practical knowledge of formative assessment. There were two principles and four rules included, reflecting the interaction between the child, the teacher and the family. 4. There were five categories of the practical knowledge of formative assessment, includes knowledge of self, knowledge of the milieu, domain knowledge, knowledge of curriculum, knowledge of child development and the learner’s characteristics. Accordingly, the study went further to give some recommendations to assessment of practical knowledge in research method and practice in early childhood education.


