  • 學位論文


“Aversion,Delusion,Love and Desire”– The Cautionary Fables in Folk Paintings: Luan Shing-Meei’s Interpretation of Ink Paintings

指導教授 : 林昌德 程代勒


首先為何是民間藝術?民間藝術生猛有力,簡單質樸真誠有趣,引發筆者藉此特質來創作的動機。而「粗野」的民間藝術好在哪裡?本文中提出論點來佐證民間藝術的價值。 其中民間藝術的表現種類多元,展現出人們對大自然力量的崇敬與對生命的期望。婚喪喜慶、廟會活動等民間藝術可以說是最直接人類精神表現之一,文中將探討民間藝術中的美學與「拙」等特質。 其次,民間藝術中的警世寓意功能是什麼?文中分析民間藝術的類別特色及如何傳達警世教化意義。 民間藝術透過神話傳說、戲曲情節等教化民眾,除了審美的意義外,隱惡揚善讓民眾觀圖知義領略倫理道德之感化。此外,我們在民間信仰中看到許多有趣的藝術表現,例如有裝飾意味濃厚的花鳥樹石、象徵吉祥納福的圖騰、忠孝節義教化人民功能的圖像,都展現強烈的生命意志。 最後如何實踐水墨創作?透過宗教思想及民間藝術特質,說明嘗試在水墨創作中建立風格的方法。 筆者在水墨創作過程中,深深被民間藝術散發出活潑自由的生命力所感動,期望能透過這樣的形式詮釋佛教「瞋痴愛慾」的警世寓言。其中題材以民間故事、歷史人物、或經典奇書為例子,融入佛教「因果論」的概念及自己的想像,在固有的故事上重新詮釋,形塑自己對生命感動的繪畫語言。


民間繪畫 寓言 佛教 因果論


First of all, why folk art? Folk art is full of vibrating energy and raw vitality; it also features simplicity and honesty, and is enjoyable. All these characteristics have motivated me to create artworks. What is the value of “unrefined” folk art? This dissertation attempts to attest to the value of folk art with convincing arguments. The diverse forms of folk art are indicative of people’s respect for natural forces and expectations for life. Marriages, funerals and religious festivals are the sites where we find the most direct representation of human spirituality. This dissertation will explore the aestheticism and “roughness” of folk art. Next, what is the function of cautionary tales in folk art? This dissertation will analyze the characteristics of folk art’s different forms and how moral lessons embedded in folk art are conveyed. In folk art, mythologies, legends and plays are frequently used to teach moral lessons. Other than its aesthetic value, folk art is committed to repressing evil and encouraging good by exposing people to the artistic icons and symbols that represent ethics and morals. In addition, there are numerous interesting artistic representations, such as decorative flowers and birds, tress and rocks, totems symbolizing good luck and blessings, and images teaching people the virtues of loyalty, filial piety, fidelity, and righteousness in folk beliefs, all of which show strong will to life. Lastly, how is the artistic creation of ink painting practiced? We will illustrate the methods to create styles in ink paintings through religious thinking and features of folk art. I have been deeply touched by the free life force emanating from folk art, and I wish to interpret Buddhist teachings of “aversion, delusion, love and desire.” Themes for my artistic creation include folk tales, historical figures, and examples from Chinese classics, with the addition of Buddhist hetu-phala and my own imagination; my works derive from re-interpretation of old stories, thus creating artistic expressions that have deeply touched my life.


1.大衛霍克尼 萬木春等翻譯,《隱密的知識 重新發現西方繪畫大師的失傳技藝》,杭州:浙江人民美術出版社,2015。
2.大衛貝斯特著 李惠斌譯,《藝術 情感 理性》,北京:工人出版社,1988。
