  • 學位論文


Postmodern Phenomena in Neo-literati Paintings:The Aesthetics of Erotic Themes in Contemporary Ink-paintings

指導教授 : 李振明 程代勒


本研究以情欲創作為方向,探討在當代水墨範疇內,後現代主義置入新文人畫的現象與意涵。新文人畫做為當代水墨發展的現象之一,是在精神與意義上為中國傳統水墨注入另一種思維與潮流,並明顯地受到後現代主義思潮的影響。 本研究在論述的脈絡上,先探討當代水墨的意涵與精神,指出當代水墨有別於傳統水墨的特質,透過以俗代雅,題畫詩的通俗現象,鈐印用字的通俗表現與顛覆傳統美學等意涵上,探討新文人畫的意涵與評價。在此發展上,藉由畫家舉證從創作意念與形式、媒材的鬆綁上,進一步指出後現代主義的思維如何介入與影響新文人畫,其中包含了攝影、版畫、平面與立體創作等範疇,並舉出在此範疇下新文人水墨畫家的藝術表現手法。 情欲做為一個自古迄今存在的議題,與人類生活的各個層面息息相關,而藝術做為表現藝術家個人或大眾情感的呈現或反思,自然也脫離不了情欲的表現。在當代新文人水墨畫的領域裏,若要解讀情欲創作的表現,則須沿著歷史軌跡,梳理東西方情欲創作的表現及其在哲學、文學等面向的沿革,並進一步呈現東、西方藝術家在情欲涉及創作的表現意涵。 透過剖析當代水墨新文人畫的精神與表現,筆者以情欲系列作品做為實踐此一議題的體現,運用單一主題為符號的形式以突顯個人在水墨創作上的風格,結合詩、書、畫、印,試圖在傳統水墨的創作精神上達到汲古潤今,並在技法上表現新文人畫的風格,企圖以體現大眾生活面向的作品內容,做為個人對於社會型態的反思。


This study attempts to explore the phenomena and significances of neo-literati paintings, concentrating especially on eroticism in contemporary ink-paintings. As one of the important phenomena in the evolution of contemporary ink-paintings, the neo-literati painting provokes an alternative thinking and represents an indispensable trend of intellectual and aesthetic ventures. These ventures are obviously influenced by the theories of postmodernism. My dissertation first discusses the contents and characteristics of contemporary ink-paintings, contending that contemporary ink-paintings, being different from traditional Chinese paintings, promote the ideas of “popularity or vulgarity” instead of clinging to the traditional doctrines aiming at achieving “elegance or refinement.” For example, scenes from ordinary life are chosen as subjects, vernacular poems or prose written as colophons, and slang or colloquialism carved to be seals. Painters are no longer confined to conventional norms or doctrines; they are instead free to choose subjects, forms, and media. Under the influence of postmodernism, neo-literati painters incorporate photograph, printing, graphic design, or even 3D modeling into their works. Sexual desire is a conspicuous issue through the ages, and it is closely related to various aspects of human life. Its appearance in art is a matter of course because art may serve as a medium to reflect or embody the feeling and thinking of an artist or of human beings in general. If we want to understand contemporary erotic art, especially the neo-literati ink-painting on eroticism, we must trace its long history, discern the influence of philosophy and literature, and compare the themes and techniques employed by the artists in the east and west in order to comprehend the tenets and achievements of their works. Having made close investigations into the theories and careful analyses of the representative works of neo-literati paintings, I choose to embody my observations in this series of works on sexual desires. With the employment of one single theme to highlight my personal style, I attempt to combine poetry, calligraphy, painting, and seal-carving in these works. My ambition is to incorporate traditional techniques into my recent creative style, which, I hope, exemplify my viewpoints about neo-literati paintings. Furthermore, I hope these works may serve as my reflection and critique on our present society.


一、 中文圖書
