  • 學位論文


Beyond Metamorphosis: The Narrative of Teacher-Student Textual Co-creation and Padegogical Evolution

指導教授 : 李明芬


過去受教育的經驗會影響成人對學校教育的刻板印象,而教師帶著自己過去的經驗,正影響著學生對學校教育的未來視角。我追溯過去的教育敘事,回顧成為教師和十年的教學實踐歷程,追索我的教育學意向和課程意識的源頭,探討與融合學術理論和教學實踐,分析逾百萬文字的師生文本多重敘說(我的教育敘事、學生書寫的報紙文本、我的教育研究和媒體專欄文本),藉由敘事探究、行動研究方法詮釋經驗,建構意義,統整理論和實踐知識,創生讀寫連結模式和整全實踐教學圖像。   「整全實踐教學圖像」是以系統思考和整全觀點創發的教育實踐藍圖,整全的學習觀是觀看生活之真、啟發思辨之能、激盪心靈之美、促發自我之善的整全圖像之境。因此,我的整全實踐教學圖像是以讀寫連結模式為核心,學生在四個學習場域中,扮演六種學習角色,在八種學習世界中建構七種素養。


The way teachers are educated at their young age shapes their understanding of school education. Teachers play the critical role in influencing how students think what school is and what school might be. Based on a decade of teaching experiences, I traced back to my previous educational involvement, reviewed my fulfillment of being a teacher, and tracked down the source of my pedagogical intent and curricular consciousness. I tried exploring ways of integating the academic theories into my teaching practice. I also analyzed the numerous narratives of my own teaching and my students’ writing texts, summing up with more than one million words. This is an arduous knowledge integration process bounded in daily teaching practice and reflection. Through the narrative inquiry and action research, I further established a reading-writing connection model which is represented by a holistic teaching image, named as “Wholeness-Praxis Teaching Image”. Like the many predecessors, I believe that the holistic padegogical approach could help students observe the truth of life, inspire their critical thinking, enhance their aesthetic experience, and build up their awareness of being good. The “Wholeness-Praxis Teaching Image” is a holistic blueprint synthesized from the essence of systematic thinking and holistic views of educational practice. The core of this image is the reading-writing connection model evolved through a decade’s teaching practice and years of research endeavors. This model represented that students play six learning roles in four learning areas and develop seven abilities in eight learning territories.


