  • 學位論文


A Structural Models of the Influence on Secondary School Students’ Inquiry Abilities: Investigating the Relationships among the Learning Experiences, Inquiry-related Curiosity, Engagement, and Inquiry Abilities of Students

指導教授 : 吳心楷


近年來的科學教育改革浪潮中,尤其是《十二年國民基本教育課程綱要》特別地著重於學生探究能力的養成。然而,探究能力的養成除了課程影響之外,是否存在其他因素影響著學生的探究能力。因此,本論文的旨在探討學生的科學學習經驗、科學好奇心以及科學投入對其探究能力的影響關係,希冀能從中建構出高中學生探究能力之影響模式。為達到此一目的本論文以兩項研究,採分層隨機抽樣的方式分別自北北基的高中,抽樣1,090名 (研究一)以及605名 (研究二) 11年級學生來進行施測,並透過結構方程模式的分析方式。藉此探討影響高中學生探究能力發展的因素及其關係。 研究一:主要是探討高中學生的科學學習經驗、探究相關的好奇心及科學活動的投入狀態對學生探究能力的影響關係。研究結果發現學生的好奇心與對實驗活動的投入是中介學習經驗與探究能力之間的重要因素;並發現在好奇心驅使之探究學習歷程中,學生的投入不僅具有直接影響探究能力的效果,同時也扮演著中介的角色來影響他們的好奇心對探究能力的關係。 研究二:根據研究一建立之好奇心驅使探究能力表現的模式進行研究,其探討在好奇心趨動下,認知、行為、情意以及社會互動等不同的投入對探究能力表現的影響效果為何,以及實驗活動中不同的投入之間是否具相互影響的關係。透過結構方程模式的分析,發現四種投入扮演部分中介的角色去影響好奇心對探究能力的關聯;此外並發現學生對感到好奇的事物,會透過不同的實驗活動之投入來激起學生對所參與的活動的喜好,並願意使用更多的認知策略去完成該活動,可能是培養學生探究能力重要的方法。 藉由上述的系列研究,本論文嘗試釐清高中學生之學習經驗、科學好奇心以及科學投入等因素影響其探究能力的關係,並試圖提出影響學生探究能力表現的實徵模型,以提供科學教育研究領域與科學教育者在從事相關研究與教學時的參考與依據,並希冀藉此能夠促進學生在科學探究能力的培養。


The emphasis on scientific inquiry has increased the importance of developing the fundamental abilities to conduct scientific investigations, and has highlighted the need for a model of students’ inquiry abilities. This dissertation addresses the issue of the development of students’ inquiry abilities by examining the interplay among students’ inquiry-related curiosity, engagement, and inquiry abilities, and investigates how their learning experiences associate with such interplay. In addition, this article also concern about how the relationships among the types of engagement in activities of laboratory during the development of students’ inquiry ability. To realize these purposes, two studies were conducted to examine the relationships among variables by employing structural equation modeling to analyze data collected from 1,090 (study 1) and 605 (study 2) 11th graders, including their performance on a multimedia-based assessment of scientific inquiry abilities and their responses to items in an on-line questionnaire. The results revealed that both formal and informal experiences were associated with the laboratory engagement of students through curiosity. Furthermore, the analyses showed that inquiry-related curiosity was associated with their inquiry abilities, and that the association was mediated by their inquiry-related laboratory engagement. Moreover, the results of the relationships among the types of engagement in the study 2 shown that both the behavioral and social engagement played a completely mediated role to associate the influence from emotional engagement to cognitive engagement. Through the paths of behavioral and social engagement, that is, the cognitive strategy use in laboratory activities would be reinforced by their emotions about laboratory activities. Taken together, this dissertation provides structural models to support the importance of having curiosity-driven engagement, and suggests that the science educational community should collaborate to offer secondary school students such learning opportunities in formal and informal science learning settings.


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