  • 學位論文


Effects of Aerobic Dance on Physical Fitness for Students with Learning Disabilities in the Elementary School

指導教授 : 佘永吉


本研究目的旨在探討有氧舞蹈對促進國小學習障礙學生體適能之成效。研究係採單一受試之撤回設計,研究對象為三名年齡在11~12歲的國小學習障礙學生。自變項為有氧舞蹈教學,依變項為體適能測驗的表現(身體組成、心肺耐力、肌力與肌耐力和柔軟度)。研究包括基線期、介入期和維持期,共進行十週,每週兩次,每次四十分鐘的有氧舞蹈介入。本研究以教育部101年中小學學生體適能常模對照,並以視覺分析法、C統計和效果值進行資料的分析,以瞭解三位學習障礙學生在有氧舞蹈教學介入後,其體適能的介入效果和維持效果,本研究的結果如下: 一、有氧舞蹈教學對國小高年級學習障礙學生體適能的介入成效 對照常模顯示有氧舞蹈對國小高年級學習障礙學生之體適能皆具良好的介入效果;C統計結果說明「肌力與肌耐力」和「柔軟度」項目z值均達顯著(p<.01);計算效果值結果顯示介入效果為高度。 二、有氧舞蹈教學對國小高年級學習障礙學生體適能的維持成效 對照常模顯示有氧舞蹈對國小高年級學習障礙學生之體適能(心肺耐力、肌力與肌耐力和柔軟度)具有良好的維持效果,但在「身體組成」的維持效果因人而異;視覺分析顯示「肌力與肌耐力」和「柔軟度」維持效果佳;計算效果值結果顯示「肌力與肌耐力」項目的維持效果為高度,「柔軟度」項目維持的效果量因人而異。


The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of the aerobic dance on physical fitness for students with learning disabilities in the elementary school. In this research, the Withdrawal Design of the Single-subject Research Design Method is adopted. Three 11-to-12-years-old elementary school students with learning disabilities are selected as the research participants. The independent variable is the aerobic dance teach; the dependent variable, however, is the performance of the physical fitness test results including body composition, cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular strength and muscular endurance, and flexibility. The study duration is divided into 3 stages- baseline, intervention, and maintenance phase, which is proceeded for 10 weeks in total with 40 minutes aerobic dance intervention twice a week. To understand the intervention and maintenance effects of these test subjects’ physical fitness after the intervention of the aerobic dance teach, the physical fitness norm of middle and elementary school students published by Ministry of Education in 2012 is adopted as the reference for the test results comparison. Visual Analysis Method, C Statistics, and Effect Size, are also applied for the data analysis. The research results are concluded as follow. 1.Intervention effect With the comparison of the physical fitness norm published by the Ministry of Education in 2012, the effect of the aerobic dance invention is positive and obvious to the underachieving elementary school students with learning disabilities. The analysis results based on the C Statistics also illustrate the z values in items of “muscular strength and muscular endurance” and “flexibility” reach a very significant level (p<.01). Similarly, the intervention effect shown by the calculated Effect Size also demonstrates as high level. 2.Maintenance effect With the comparison of the physical fitness norm published by the Ministry of Education in 2012, it shows that the aerobic dance can provide effective maintenance effect in physical fitness to underachieving elementary school students with learning disabilities in items of “cardiorespiratory fitness”, “muscular strength and muscular endurance”, and “flexibility”; for the maintenance effect of body composition, however, it varies from person to person. For the Virtual Analysis results, it presents the positive maintenance effect in items of “muscular strength and muscular endurance” and “flexibility”. For the calculated Effect Size, it demonstrates high level maintenance effect in the term of “muscular strength and muscular endurance”, but for the item of flexibility, it then belongs to personal basis.


朱嘉華(譯)(2012)。心肺適能評估。載於卓俊辰主編:體適能評估與運動處方第六版(4-1-4-42頁)。(V. H. Heyward著:Advanced fitness assessment and exercise prescription, 6th ed)。臺北:禾楓。
