  • 學位論文


A Study of the Ethnobotany Knowledge and the Traditional Learning Process of the Tau People: A Case Study of the Boat-building Knowledge

指導教授 : 蔡慧敏


台灣擁有高度的生物與文化多樣性,包含台灣本島及各個小島,擁有豐富的生物資源,以及許多不同文化的族群,生活在本島及離島的各個族群,為了適應環境發展出各自獨特的傳統知識與文化內涵。蘭嶼達悟族便因獨特的小島與海洋環境,發展出其獨有的海洋文化與生態知識;且受地理位置孤立之影響,傳統社會受到外來衝擊較晚,還保有較完整的傳統知識與文化。然而,近來外來文化與經濟開發快速進入蘭嶼,蘭嶼達悟族面臨傳統知識與文化快速流失的困境,部落族人與學界也意識到這樣的問題,開始投入傳統知識與文化保存的工作。 本研究以達悟族造舟相關知識為例,探討民族植物知識內涵、知識傳遞與學習的方式、知識的傳統學習歷程,以及當前傳統知識傳承所遭遇的困境。本研究結果顯示,達悟族造舟知識可分為,「關於植物資源與山林環境的基礎知識」、「造舟植物資源的利用與經營管理系統」、「社會制度」、「信仰與世界觀」等四個面向,每個面向中的知識是相互關聯的,且造舟知識是具有整體性、脈絡性,以及實用性的特性;達悟族造舟知識傳承的途徑,包括人與自然的互動、家庭與家族的傳承、漁團組織的傳承、部落社會的傳承等,族人透過遊戲與活動、觀察、試誤學習、講授與提問、示範與觀摩、輔導與經驗學習、日常人際的交流、祭儀的實踐與參與、口傳知識等方式,傳遞與學習造舟知識;達悟人造舟相關之傳統生態知識與民族植物知識的學習,有其順序性,且為連貫性的,知識的學習由簡至繁,隨著年齡的增長,學習的知識逐漸累積,學習場域也逐漸由部落向外延伸;達悟族造舟知識的學習歷程,與傳統部落社會運作的脈絡是密切相關的,每一年齡階段知識學習的內涵與狀態,皆與該年齡層的族人應盡的家庭責任或社會責任有緊密關聯。 本研究亦發現,近來國家制度進入蘭嶼,加上外來文化強勢且快速入侵,對於達悟傳統社會產生嚴重的衝擊與壓迫,在傳統社會體系無法調適的情況下,傳統社會運作模式逐漸崩解,進而使傳統知識傳承的途徑逐漸失靈,是現今達悟傳統知識傳承所遭遇的主要困境。 本研究依據結果,提出發展協助傳統知識學習與傳承的工具與教材、發展民族學校、發展部落型環境學習中心或部落學校,以及加強社會大眾多元文化教育與族群教育等建議,期能做為未來達悟族傳統知識保存、傳承與發展的參考。


Taiwan is a place of bio-cultural diversity, including highly biodiversity and multi-cultural peoples. In order to adapt to the environment and survive, each people developed unique knowledge and culture. Tau people living in Lanyu Island developed unique oceanic culture and ecological knowledge because of unique environment of small island and ocean they living. Because of the location of isolated, the traditional society of Tau is later exposed to external impact and they have more preserved tradition knowledge and culture connotations than other Taiwanese Aborigines, has long been scholars pay attention. Recently, the foreign culture and rapid economic development make Tau people face with predicament of rapid loss of traditional knowledge and culture. Then many scholars and the local intellectuals have concerned for this problem, they have begun to contribute to the preservation of traditional knowledge and culture. The purpose of this study is to investigate the ethnobotany knowledge content of boat-building, Forms of boat-building knowledge transfer and learning, learning process knowledge of boat-building knowledge, and recent problems of traditional knowledge transmission. The results of the study show that the boat-building knowledge of the Tau people include the knowledge of plant resources and environment, the methods of boat-building plant resource using and management, social institution, beliefs and worldview. Each part of the knowledge is interrelated, and the knowledge is holistic, context, as well as practical characteristics. The way of transmission of knowledge of the Tau people including human and nature interactive, family knowledge transmission, fisheries groups knowledge transmission, and social knowledge transmission. The Tau people through games and activities, observation, trial and error learning, teaching and ask questions, demonstration and observation, coaching and experiential learning, everyday interpersonal communication, practice and participation rituals, oral knowledge, etc., transfer and learning boat-building knowledge. The Tau people learn the boat-building knowledge sequentially. With age growing, people learn from simple to complex, from foundation to advance. The learning field is gradually extending outward from the tribal. The learning of knowledge is closely linked to social responsibility of people. Recently, national institutions and foreign culture into Lanyu, have a serious impact on traditional societies and oppression, make the ways of knowledge transmission gradually failure. Based on the results of this study, this study proposed the development of learning tools and materials, development aboriginal education, and the development of community-based environmental learning center, hope can be the reference to help the Tao people to improve the transmission and conservation of traditional knowledge.


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