  • 學位論文



指導教授 : 吳美美


在現今全球化社會之下,因工作、婚姻、求學而移民成為常態,而移民除了適應當地社會外,也將故鄉文化融入當地,塑造多元的文化環境,台灣社會將移入台灣的移民稱之為新住民,並且因其逐年的增長至台灣第五大族群後,多元文化的議題也開始廣受討論。過去有不少論文都以這些不同國籍的新住民入手,探討他們在台生活時的資訊需求跟資訊行為,甚至是接受資訊服務機構的服務狀況,其研究多以新住民的國籍背景來討論新住民間的資訊需求。新住民的資訊需求因為生活現況的改變呈現階段性的需求,處於適應中與適應之後的新住民在資訊需求上面也有不同(Wang等,2020)。本研究希望了解新住民在滿足日常生活需求之後,已融入當地社會、開始社會參與後可能會有哪些相關的資訊行為,本研究有三個研究問題:(一)、新住民志工的資訊需求與資訊尋求行為為何?什麼原因會影響新住民志工資訊需求類型與資訊尋求行為?;(二)新住民志工的資訊分享行為為何,與在使用不同資訊分享管道的行為有何差異?;(三)新住民志工的使用資訊服務經歷為何,什麼原因會影響到他們參與資訊服務的意願。研究方法採質性取向,使用訪談法,採立意取樣共邀請十位新住民志工為受訪者。 研究結果發現新住民志工的資訊需求與行為:(一)、資訊需求在多種原因影響下產生。除了與新住民解決生活問題有關外,也與本人的工作經歷、志工服務、生活經歷等環境中會接觸的資訊主題息息相關,且也會受到新住民志工個人特質中的性格、興趣的影響,進而促使新住民志工進行資訊尋求,且新住民期盼精進自我能力、改善現況的心態會促使資訊需求的產生;(二)、在資訊尋求行為方面以網路、社群與課程為主,部分受訪者還有個人愛用的資訊來源來進行資訊補充。新住民志工普遍都會透過人際關係之間的資訊分享、主動尋求網路資源甚至是藉由參加課程的方式來獲取資訊,並且根據自己的偏好與資訊來源的便於取用程度,來選擇性地來使用書籍、電視節目、廣播、官方機構等資源尋求資訊;(三)、當新住民志工們進行資訊分享的時候,則會依據他們對於該訊息的目標觀眾的認知來選擇使用的管道。因為大多和在台的社群聯繫的關係,因此在社交軟體上偏好使用Line、Facebook等台灣常見的社交軟體,且由於Line提供的群組功能可以使受訪者挑選特定社交圈進行分享,所以經常把Line當作主要的資訊分享管道,但在聯繫故鄉親友時,就會使用當地常用的軟體;(四)、新住民將服務當作資訊尋求的管道之一,而受訪者曾參與過的類型以有課程、集會、同樂活動三種類型為主,在選擇服務內容上跟資訊尋求行為有類似之處,即受訪者在選擇服務類型上也會受到環境與個人特質的影響,但在新住民實際是否參加資訊服務的決策上,更多是受到服務舉辦時間、交通等活動安排的細節影響。這研究結果有助於了解新住民在社會參與的過程中資訊行為,並且表明了資訊服務也是新住民滿足資訊需求的管道之一,他們會藉由參加資訊服務服務來獲取能解決生活與工作上遭遇難題的資訊。


In the globalization era, people moving from their mother country to another country is popular. In Taiwan, people know these people as new residents. New residents need to adjust the new living environment, not only to solve language and culture differences in the early stage but the social participation to be part of the local society. In the process of adjusting,they need to participate local social activities, adapting local culture, and offer their own culture to the local society. New residents are now the fifth largest group and their information behavior during the social participation processes, particularly information services used deserve understanding. This study intends to explore the information behavior of the new residents in Taiwan, particularly information behavior of their society participation processes. Research questions are: (1) What are the information needs and information seeking behaviors of new resident volunteers in their everyday life? (2) What is the information seeking and sharing behavior of the new resident volunteers in terms of channels and the performance in their everyday life? (3) What why the new resident volunteers using information services? Qualitative approach is applied and interview method is designed. Ten new residents with volunteer experiences are recruited and interviewed. The research results found that (1) Information need of the new residents in everyday life include solving every life problems, volunteer services tasks-related and the new resident’s mentality of looking forward to improving their own abilities and improving the current situation; (2) The information seeking channels are mainly the Internet, communities and courses, personal favorite sources of information, such as books, TV programs, radio, official agencies, etc.; they also use local social software, such as Line and Facebook to share information. And (3) New residents participate local society by using three main types of information services, including taking courses, gatherings, and joining fun activities. The environmental issues of the respondents’ choices of service type depend on time, transportation and activity arrangement. The results of the study enlighten the information behavior of new residents participating the new environment and suggest information services may support the process of society participation for the new residents.


