  • 學位論文


A Preliminary Study of Green Iguana Owners' Pet-keeping and Ecologically Risky Behaviors in Taiwan

指導教授 : 王順美


近年來,台灣兩棲爬行寵物的飼養風氣越來越興盛,然而隨著外來爬行動物在台灣寵物市場的交易日漸活絡,這些物種逸出後入侵台灣原生生態系的可能性也相對提高。 從1986年至2018年,進口台灣的綠鬣蜥共達10萬隻以上。32年來,綠鬣蜥從「新奇寵物」變得「身價低俗」,甚至成為「危害各地」的外來入侵種。一般認為野外綠鬣蜥的來源,可能是脫籠、飼主蓄意棄養的寵物,不過雖然綠鬣蜥造成生態問題的成因與飼主的飼養行為有關,且我國目前也在政策制度上有所作為與規畫,但對於綠鬣蜥飼養現況與飼主生態風險行為頻率的研究仍相對欠缺。 本研究以問卷調查方法,調查我國綠鬣蜥飼主飼養前的評估嚴謹度、飼養概況、寵物依附感程度、生態與規範認知程度、生態風險行為頻率,以及寵物實際逸出頻率等,以建立對綠鬣蜥飼主社群的認知及了解其從事生態風險行為的影響因子。 研究結果顯示,綠鬣蜥飼主在飼養前的評估嚴謹程度是影響飼主飼養經驗好壞的重要因子:事前評估越完善,飼養經驗越正向,反之亦然。此外生態與政策知識程度並非影響飼主生態風險行為的關鍵因素,但若飼主與寵物的情感連結越強,逸出風險行為的頻率也就越低。飼主的生態風險行為頻率越高、飼養過程中遭遇的困難越多,寵物實際逸出的頻率也越高。 建議未來在規劃高入侵風險寵物的飼主教育時,應對潛在飼主強調飼養前嚴謹評估的重要性,並向飼主宣導攜帶寵物至戶外的注意事項,以減低飼主棄養或不小心使寵物逃逸的可能。


Keeping of pet reptiles and amphibians in Taiwan has grown more popular recently. However, as the pet trade of alien reptiles remains active, the ecological risk that these species invade into Taiwan becomes higher. Among these species, the Green Iguana (Iguana iguana) had been imported into Taiwan in large amount between 1986 to 2018, estimated to be more than a hundred thousand. Though the green iguana was once a novel and popular pet choice, its economic value dropped through the decades and now it has even established feral population in southern Taiwan. It is believed that the pet release of green iguanas, both intentionally and accidentally, is the most important contributor to the origin of non-native populations of green iguanas. The government has also responded to this issue with amendment to regulation which permits further breeding and rearing of the species. However, as the main actors in the releasing process, the green iguana owners’ pet-ownership have seldom been examined. Therefore, in order to enhance the understanding of green iguana owners’ behaviors and the factors in accordance with their ecologically risky behaviors, the study utilizes questionnaire to survey the green iguana owners’ pet-keeping behaviors. Variables include their assessment before keeping, their pet-keeping experience, pet attachment, knowledge of ecological issues and policies, frequency of their ecologically risky behaviors and their pets’ escape frequency. The results indicate that the more comprehensively the owners assessed before owning a green iguana, the more positive their pet-keeping experience would be. Also, owners’ knowledge toward ecological issues and policies could not predict the frequency of their ecologically risky behaviors; however, the stronger their attachment to pet iguanas is, the lower their frequency of involving ecologically risky behaviors would be. In addition, the higher their frequency of ecologically risky behaviors and the more difficulties they encounter during the ownership, the higher the frequency of their pets’ escape. To tackle on the pet release issue of green iguanas, and other alien pet species with high invasive risks, the importance of comprehensive assessment before keeping should be emphasized to the potential owners, and the correct way to handle pets outdoor should be advocated to the owners.


行政院農業委員會(2020)。有害生態環境、人畜安全之虞之原非我國原生種陸域野生動物之種類(農林務字第 1091701111 號)。林務局。https://conservation.forest.gov.tw/0002117
行政院(2019)。預告「有害生態環境、人畜安全之虞之原非我國原生種陸域野生動物之種類」草案。行政院公報,第025卷第153期 (2019-08-15)。https://gazette.nat.gov.tw/egFront/detail.do?metaid=109283&log=detailLog
