  • 學位論文


Correlation between Iron Nutrition Knowledge and Iron Nutritional Status in College Female Athletes

指導教授 : 何仁育


目的:了解大專女性運動員鐵營養知識與鐵營養狀態現況,並探討鐵營養知識與鐵營養狀態之相關性。方法:本研究招募123位國立臺灣師範大學女性運動員作為受試者,其中運動項目包含田徑、羽球、足球、桌球、游泳、跆拳道、舉重、女子壘球、籃球及體操,共10項。本研究利用鐵營養知識問卷了解運動員鐵營養知識得分狀況,運動員依個人意願且符合受試者納入條件,共有66位受試者於問卷調查後進行血液生化檢測。血液生化檢測以抽血觀察鐵營養狀態指標數值,包含鐵蛋白(ferritin)濃度、運鐵蛋白飽和度(transferrin saturation)及以血紅素濃度(hemoglobin),藉以評估身體鐵營養狀態。不同運動項目間之鐵營養知識與鐵營養狀態的差異及兩者間的相關性分別以獨立樣本 t 檢定、單因子變異數分析及皮爾森積差相關分析方法進行統計分析,顯著水準訂為 p < .05。結果:本研究受試者整體鐵營養知識平均分數為55.6 ± 14.8分;運動項目中最高分為體操65.0 ± 17.3分、最低分為舉重43.3 ± 12.2分,但鐵營養知識分數在各個運動類別之間無顯著差異(p = .522),鐵營養知識分數在是否修習營養課程之間也無顯著差異(p = .591)。在鐵營養狀態指標上,受試者平均血紅素濃度13.4 ± 0.9 g/dL、鐵蛋白濃度67.9 ± 60.0 ng/mL、運鐵蛋白飽和度27.5 ± 12.2%;不同運動類別之間的血紅素濃度沒有顯著差異(p = .103)。此外,受試者不同鐵營養狀態盛行率為缺鐵性貧血1.5%、貧血4.5%及缺鐵7.6%,鐵營養知識分數在是否貧血狀態之間未達顯著差異(p = .201);鐵營養知識分數和血紅素濃度未達到顯著性相關(p = .865)。結論:大專女性運動員的鐵營養知識分數雖屬不佳,但鐵營養狀態調查結果發現其缺鐵性貧血率、貧血盛行率較國內一般成年女性低,然而其缺鐵率卻高於一般成年女性。此外,大專女性運動員鐵營養知識分數在不同運動類別之間並沒有差異,且鐵營養知識與鐵營養狀態無顯著相關。


Purpose:To investigate the correlation between iron nutrition knowledge and iron nutritional status in college female athletes. Methods:123 college female athletes from National Taiwan Normal University, participating in 10 different sports including track and field, badminton, football, table tennis, swimming, taekwondo, weightlifting, women's softball, basketball, and gymnastics, were recruited in this study. The iron nutrition knowledge of the subjects was first assessed by means of questionnaires. Then 66 out of 123 subjects took hematology tests. To assess the iron status of the subjects, ferritin, transferrin saturation, and hemoglobin were measured. The differences in iron nutrition knowledge among different sports and the correlations between the iron nutrition knowledge and iron nutritional status were analyzed by the independent t test, one-way analysis of variance, and Pearson correlation coefficient. A p-value less than 0.05 is statistically significant. Results:The average score of iron nutrition knowledge was 55.6 ± 14.8 and the highest being gymnastics (65.0 ± 17.3) and the lowest being weightlifting (43.3 ± 12.2). There were no significant differences in the iron nutrition knowledge scores among different sports categories (p = .522) and between subjects taking nutrition courses or not (p = .591). In terms of iron nutritional status of the subjects, the average values of hemoglobin, ferritin, and transferrin saturation were 13.4 ± 0.9 g/dL, 67.9 ± 60.0 ng/mL, and 27.5 ± 12.2%, respectively. No significant difference in hemoglobin was observed among different sports categories (p = .103). The prevalence for iron nutritional status was 1.5% for iron deficiency anemia, 4.5% for anemia, and 7.6% for iron deficiency. There was no significant difference in the iron nutrition knowledge score between anemia and normal subjects (p = .201), and no significant correlation between iron nutrition knowledge scores and hemoglobin levels (p = .865). Conclusion:While the scores of iron nutrition knowledge of college female athletes were not high, the prevalence for iron-deficiency anemia and anemia in college female athletes was lower than adult women. The iron deficiency rate in athletes was, however, higher than that of adult women. In addition, there were no differences in iron nutrition knowledge scores among different sports, and no significant correlation between iron nutrition knowledge and iron nutritional status in college female athletes.


行政院衛生福利部(2016)。國人膳食營養素參考攝取量修訂第七版 (Dietary Reference Intakes,DRIs)。台北:行政院衛生福利部。
