  • 學位論文


A Study on the Advertising Strategies of Taiwan Restaurant Chain in Online Food Delivery Services

指導教授 : 王國欽


隨著電子商務模式的革新,促使外送平台的產生,為餐飲業者帶來全新的通路,然而,面對虛擬通路的國際化廣告策略,不同廠商有不一致的做法,如廣告標準化、廣告在地化、廣告全球在地化,對於臺灣業者而言,由於缺乏對於當地市場的認識,商品從上架到販售,往往僅能透過自身不斷的嘗試從而累積經驗。為此,本研究透過深度訪談,訪問7位國際化餐飲業者,探究臺灣連鎖餐飲業者於國內外平台進行廣告設計的方式,並了解業者所重視國內外的外送平台廣告元素。 研究結果顯示:一、趨勢影響與增加銷售通路,促使業者加入外送平台;二、業者重視平台抽成與規範;三、業者被制約在平台的設計規範,未清楚廣告元素的重要性;四、圖片與文字是平台設計的重要元素;五、圖片元素為優先,其次為價格、品牌;六、平台規範嚴謹繁多,侷限業者廣告設計的靈活度;七、客群、區域影響廣告執行成效;八、融入在地消費習慣,倚靠平台知名度立足;九、介紹臺灣餐飲特點為國外廣告設計方向;十、國外廣告重視成分標示;十一、國外廣告設計成效優於國內。 本研究提供台灣業者在國內外外送平台激烈的環境中,能夠使企業維持競爭力,然本研究囿於時間地理與新冠肺炎疫情爆發因素,研究對象數量不如預期,建議未來研究疫情趨緩可增加不同國家的餐飲業者,並加入消費者視角,將能更完善跨國的外送平台廣告設計的方式。


With the advent of emerging innovative business models, online food delivery platforms have surged as a result, granting new-found market access for the catering industry. Simultaneously, industry players, aiming to secure their foothold onto this modish market, have resorted to launch a sundry of international advertising campaigns. Each having their own set of stratagems. The different methods employed encompasses standardization, localization, global-localization of advertisement campaigns. Yet, as for the Taiwanese caterers treading into these unknown waters, given their lack of understanding of local particularities of their targeted markets, can only seek to recalibrate their advertising methods through knowledge acquired via trial and error. Hence, it is the objective of the present study to delve into the different stratagems employed by the current seven major industry players, with an international presence, from Taiwan, in advertising their products, allowing the readers to comprehend the different set of elements deem substantial for their advertisements via the online food delivery platforms. To this end, we have conducted in-depth interviews with them, in order to record their idiosyncratic experiences and sentiments. The findings from the research are as follow: 1. Current trends manifestly expands market access to many, instigating other catering enterprises to join the online food delivery platforms. 2. The catering industry places great importance on the platforms’ commission norms and other regulatory constraints. 3. Given the online food delivery platforms standardized advertising frameworks, caterers’ are unable to determine which element of their advertisements is most significant. 4. Pictorial and textual representation of the product are essential components to caterer’s advertisement campaigns. 5. On a scale of significance, pictorial representation in advertisements ranked the highest, thereafter price and brand name. 6. Many catering businesses feel that their advertising ideas are left unnoticed, given the limiting standardized framework set out by the online food delivery platforms. 7. Target market groups as well as the particular regions of the market determines the overall effectiveness of the advertising campaigns. 8. Caterers seek to adapt to the idiosyncratic consumer spending customs of specific markets in order to rely on the platform to secure a foothold into the targeted market. 9. In global advertising campaigns, the presentation/introduction of Taiwanese culinary arts is what is most often employed by caterers. 10. International advertisements place greater emphasis over ingredient transparency. 11. International advertisements effectiveness prevail over national advertisements. The present study provides an insightful resource for Taiwanese caterers participating in the fiercely competitive market of online food delivery. Nevertheless, given the time and geographical constraints, couple with the COVID-19 pandemic crisis, the number of our targeted study groups were not as expansive expected. It is advisable, after the subsiding of the pandemic, to increase the number of surveyed caterers, in addition to consumer perspectives, so as to further comprehend the most effective manner through which advertising campaigns should be composed over online food delivery platforms.


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