  • 學位論文


A Study on the Relationship between Core Competency Identification and Teaching Transformation of the New Curriculum in Technological High School Teachers

指導教授 : 宋修德


本研究主要探討技術型高級中等學校(本文簡稱為技術型高中)教師新課綱核心素養認同度與教學轉化之關係,並分析不同背景變項之技術型高中教師在核心素養認同度與教學轉化之差異情形。 本研究採調查法進行,以「教師核心素養認同度與教學轉化關係之研究調查問卷」為研究工具,針對108學年度任教於新北市公私立技術型高中教師為研究對象,共發出500份問卷,有效問卷回收302份,有效回收率60%。回收問卷以描述統計、單一樣本t檢定、獨立樣本t檢定、變異數分析、結構方程模式及多變項迴歸分析等統計方法進行資料分析析。 本研究獲得以下結論:技術型高中教師6-10年及21年以上的教學年資、兼任主任、擔任新課綱種子教師及參加新課綱核心素養研習9小時以上,其新課綱核心素養認同程度較高;技術型高中教師兼任主任、擔任課程諮詢教師及新課綱種子教師,其新課綱核心素養教學轉化之同意程度較高;技術型高中教師核心素養認同度與教學轉化呈現正相關,並且核心素養認同度能有效預測其教學轉化。


The major purpose of this study is focus on the relationship between core competence identification and teaching transformation of the new curriculum in technological high school teachers, and check the differences from variables of background factors influencing the identification of core competence and teaching transformation. Based on the method of survey, this study took current technological high school teachers of New Taipei City in year 2020 as the research objects to get answers to “The Relationship of Teacher’s Identification toward Core Competence and Teaching Transformation Questionnaire.” There was 500 questionnaires distributed, 302 valid questionnaires were returned. The statistical analysis methods included descriptive statistics, Single sample t test, Independent sample t test, ANOVA, Structural equation model and Multiple regression analysis to deal with the survey data. The conclusion of the study as follows: Among the teachers with teaching experience of 6-10 years or over 21 years, school deans, the seed teachers of the new curriculum, and 9 hours of participating in the study of the new curriculum have high degree of the core competence recognition to the new curriculum syllabus; and higher degree of recognition toward teaching transformation of the syllabus concerning the new curriculum is showed among school deans, the curriculum consultant teachers and the seed teachers of the new curriculum. Finally, the core competence recognition of the new curriculum syllabus is positively correlated with teaching transformation, and could predict their teaching transformation effectively.


壹、 中文部分
