  • 學位論文


Research on the Management System of Mountaineering Activities in Taiwan-Policy argumentation point of view

指導教授 : 程瑞福


本研究整理我國對於登山活動的管制規定與措施,依歷史脈絡探尋管制的目的,再以試圖回答政府應有的管制理性以及管制邏輯為何,並具體檢討現有的管制架構是否妥適。本研究分為二大部分,首先將文獻資料做脈絡性的統整後,再進行政策利害關係人的政策論證分析,針對不同的政策看法進行完善的比較,經由不同立場的對話,檢視政策主張的合理性。所得結論如下: 一、我國對於登山活動的管制體系龐大,包括了國家安全體系、國家公園體系、森林保育體系、文化資產保護體系、觀光發展體系,以及自2016年來地方政府建立的登山活動管理機制,但無法證明施行「登山活動管理自治條例」使登山事故件數下降。 二、政策論證「法律權利面向」及「登山教育面向」二大爭議面向的探討,在「法律權利保障面向」政府不應以強制義務和使用者付費作為救助遭遇山難的登山者的條件;在「登山教育面向」登山活動管理自治條例的管制方式之外,登山教育對於提升登山安全亦十分重要。 基於上述結論,建議我國登山活動管制制度,建議與世界湖流接軌,廢除入山證及入園證,改採登記報備制,賦予登山活動更多的彈性。


This study sorts out China's regulations and measures for mountaineering activities, explores the purpose of control based on historical context, and then tries to answer the government's rationality and logic of control, and specifically reviews whether the existing control structure is appropriate. This study is divided into two parts. First, the literature is integrated, and then the policy argumentation analysis of the policy stakeholders is carried out, and the different policy views are comprehensively compared, and the policy propositions are reviewed through dialogues with different positions. Reasonableness. The results were derived as the follows: 1.Taiwan has a huge control system for mountaineering activities, including the national security system, national park system, forest conservation system, cultural assets protection system, tourism development system, and the mountaineering activity management mechanism established by the local government since 2016, but it cannot be proved The implementation of the "Regulations on Autonomous Management of Mountaineering Activities" has reduced the number of mountaineering accidents. 2.Policy argumentation The discussion on the two major controversial aspects of "legal rights orientation" and "mountaineering education orientation". With regard to the "legal rights protection aspect", the government should not use compulsory obligations and user fees as conditions for helping climbers who have encountered mountain disasters; In addition to the control methods of the "Mountaineering Education-oriented" Mountaineering Activities Management Autonomous Regulations, mountaineering education is also very important for improving mountaineering safety. Based on the above conclusions, it is recommended that China’s mountaineering activity control system be integrated with the world’s lakes, the mountain permits and park permits should be abolished, and the registration system should be changed to give more flexibility to mountaineering activities.


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