  • 學位論文


The Emotional Labor Process of a Full-time College Counselor in a Crisis Case

指導教授 : 陳秀蓉


本研究目的在探討諮商心理師遇到危機個案所引發的情緒勞務現象、諮商歷程中情緒勞務的調節、工作外情緒勞務的調適經驗及其影響。 本研究方法採用紮根理論,透過半結構深度訪談,將錄音逐字稿以開放性編碼、主軸編碼、選擇編碼的資料處理步驟,進行文本分析,以獲得心理師遇見危機個案時經歷的情緒勞務歷程及其影響。研究對象為執業5年以上的大專專任諮商心理師,共邀請10位諮商心理師,每位心理師完成訪談2位危機個案,共分析20份訪談資料。 研究結果發現,一、經單一心理師對個案資料分析發現,心理師在面對危機個案時,經歷的情緒勞務相關歷程包含六項核心類別;二、經由跨心理師對危機個案資料分析後,發現區分三類危機個案將能一窺情緒勞務歷程中的現象,此部分研究結果發現:1.諮商心理師經歷危機個案時的情緒勞務歷程之前置因素包含:3類危機個案特性、心理師個人狀態與系統要求所引發的情緒勞務。2.心理師諮商危機個案的情緒勞務過程包含:覺察個案引起的情緒勞務、心理師自身反移情與系統的壓力負荷,在專業考量下須壓抑負向情緒,表達專業同理等情緒,建立一定關係後,轉而能理解、接納個案,對專業認同,以進行深層或自然真實的情緒調節;心理師接續整理反移情,與系統合作,以減輕情緒勞務負荷,同時心理師透過建立關係來調節個案工作,並對人格疾患在維持關係與設限間平衡、問題解決不陷入個案情緒;對憂鬱個案接納情緒與放慢諮商速度;對創傷個案整理自我性議題並賦權個案。3.諮商心理師諮商外負荷與調適:心理師在諮商室外有延宕未調節的情緒、身心耗盡、預期焦慮、諮商前抗拒等,而關鍵調適方式為尋求專業系統的協助,其次的調適方式為情緒焦點與問題焦點因應方式。4.諮商心理師情緒勞務後影響與建議:心理師秉持專業認同能將情緒勞務的負向影響轉化為正向影響,經歷危機個案之心理師建議增加覺察情緒勞務、學習自我照顧、增強專業能力、健全系統合作,才能維續在專業領域的發展。最後,根據研究結果本研究亦提出進一步研究討論,以及研究建議與限制。


More emotional labor phenomenon could elicit by crisis cases encountered by College Counselors, the purpose of this research is to explore the regulation of emotional labor during those of counseling process, and further adjustment experience of emotional labor outside working and its influence. This research method adopts grounded theory and uses semi-structured in-depth interviews to conduct text analysis on the transcripts of the audio recordings with the data processing steps of open coding, axis coding, and selective coding, so as to obtain the emotional labor process and its impact experienced by counselors when they encounter crisis cases. The research objects are full-time college counselor who have practiced for more than 5 years. A total of 10 college counselors were invited to the study. Each counselor completed interviews with 2 crisis cases, and a total of 20 interview data were analyzed. The results of the study found that: 1. From analysis a single case of datum revealed that the emotional labor-related process experienced by the counselor in the face of a crisis case includes six core categories. 2. After cross-case analysis, it was found that distinguishing the three types of crisis cases will give a glimpse into the phenomenon in the emotional labor process. The results of this part of the research found that: (1) The antecedents of the emotional labor process of counselor when they experience crisis cases include: Characteristics of three types of crisis cases, the counselor's personal state, and the emotional labor caused by system requirements. (2) The emotional labor process of counselor counseling crisis cases includes: Counselors need to be aware of emotional labor, their own countertransference and systemic pressure loads, suppress negative emotions under professional consideration, and express professional emotions. After the counseling relationship is established, it turns to be able to understand and accept the case, to identify with the profession, and to conduct the deep or natural emotional regulation. Counselors continue to sort out countertransference and cooperate with the system to reduce the emotional labor load. At the same time, counselors adjust the work for cases by establishing relationships, and maintain a balance between relationship maintenance and limitations for personality disorders, so that problem solving does not fall into the emotions of the cases. The counselors then accept emotions and slow down counseling for depression cases; organize their own sexual issues and empower for trauma cases. (3) The load and adjustment outside the counseling room: There are delayed and unregulated emotions, physical and mental exhaustion, anticipatory anxiety, resistance before consultation, etc. The key adjustment method is to seek the assistance of professional system, and the secondary adjustment methods are the emotion-focus and problem-focus coping strategies. (4) The influence and suggestions of counselor after experiencing emotional labor: Counselors with professional recognition can transform the negative impact of emotional labor into positive ones. Counselors who have experienced crisis cases are advised to increase awareness of emotional labor, learn self-care, enhance professional ability, and improve system cooperation in order to maintain their development in the professional field. Finally, based on the research results, this study also proposes further research discussions, as well as research recommendations and limitations.


王春展、潘婉瑜 (2006):大學生的生活壓力與其因應策略。嘉南學報(人文類), 32,469 - 483。
