  • 學位論文


Research on the Affectional Drives in Pet Dogs Movie

指導教授 : 劉立行


近年來以動物為主題的電影越來越多,也發現以劇情類型動物電影中以家犬作為主題的電影數量也是最多的,其中家犬電影也影響了現實社會的生活,其原因來自於多數人受到電影中家犬活潑討喜的形象所吸引,或是受到電影中飼主與家犬間互動的深厚情誼所感動。 引起感動的情緒反應,來自人具有同理心與情緒感染的機制。其中個體特質或生活經驗背景上的差異,會影響每個人情緒上的共鳴與認同,故個體經驗為產生感動情緒的重要因素之一。因此,在人與動物之間的情感經驗並非每個人都擁有的狀態之下,了解劇情類型的家犬電影如何引起閱聽眾的情感共鳴以及成為電影熱潮,後續讓相同或相似的主題電影相繼上映成為本研究探討的核心,故本研究從電影中感動因子的種類、敘事手法以及相關影評內容進行文本分析與探討。 本研究發現三部家犬電影均運用情感羈絆的媒介因子,並以死亡的情境作為引起感動情緒的主要因素。經過文獻理論與影評內容資料交叉比對了解到,使閱聽眾產生感動的情緒反應的劇情之處與文獻理論中的感動因子重疊比例,三部電影皆超過了71%的程度。然而也從中發現了,文獻理論中未提及的感動因子在家犬電影中出現。 家犬電影中深厚的陪伴關係在現代人際關係較為疏離的社會生活當中,有著被嚮往與渴望的需求,也因此,此類型的電影間接地成為了現代社會生活中有著被需要的角色存在。


家犬電影 感動 同伴動物


Recently, there have been more and more animal themed movies, and it is found that pet dog movies show a great deal of production in those drama movies theme on animals. These pet dog movies seem to influence the reality social life. People may desire to have a dog, because they are attracted by the adorable dog images in the movie, or deeply affected by the intimate interactions between the dog owner and the dog in movie plots. Being touching originates from that people possess empathy and emotional contagion. Among these elements, personal experience is one of the most important factor to arouse people’s sympathy and a sense of identity. However, not everyone has an experience of interacting with animals or raising a dog. Under this circumstance, this paper intends to explore how pet-dog movies resonate with a wide audience, and even encourage the movie industry to manufacture other similar topic works. Furthermore, this study embarks on the analysis of the genus of affecting factors, story narratives and related movie reviews. This study has found that three examined pet-dog movies use emotional bonds as reaction factors, and arrange a death plot as the main strategic to arouse audiences’ emotion. By cross-comparison of literatures and movie reviews, the study also discovers the plots which can arouse audiences’ emotional response overlap with a majority of literature theories’ affecting factors. All the examined movies have an overlap above 71%. On the other hand, it is found some affecting factors appearing in pet-dog movies are not mentioned in literature theories. Since interpersonal relationships have been more alienated in modern society, the deep companionship presented in pet-dog movies appears to be longed for by most audiences. Therefore, this kind of dog movie has been becoming a needed comfort to modern people.


Pet dogs movie Affecting Companion animals


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