  • 學位論文


The Relationship between Humor Style and Political Participation: The Moderate Effect of Motivations for Internet Use

指導教授 : 陳學志


近年來網路成為了政治宣傳的媒介、社會議題討論的平臺,也出現許多人用各種方式表達自己對政治的態度及宣傳,從過去有許多以幽默漫畫或幽默笑話,至今則有以脫口秀、搞笑短片、梗圖等為媒介,在臺灣過往的研究中除了探討幽默與網路、政治與網路的關係外,鮮少提及幽默與政治的關係,且是否受到了網路影響,故本研究為探討:幽默風格是否影響政治參與,且網路是否有調節作用?   本研究以363位臺灣18歲以上的成年人為樣本,並以「正體中文版幽默風格量表」、「網路使用動機」、「政治參與量表」及「五大人格簡版」作為研究工具,並以變異數分析、皮爾森相關分析、多元迴歸分析、Process調節分析等作為主要分析方法。 研究結果如下: 1. 個體的政治傾向為「泛綠」時,「政治參與」明顯高於「泛藍」。 2. 「自我提升」、「自我貶抑」的幽默風格與「政治參與」總量表有顯著正相關。 3. 透過多元迴歸分析「政治傾向」、「社交性網路使用動機」對「政治參與」有顯著正向解釋力。 4. 個體只有在較低的「工具性網路使用動機」時,「親和型幽默」對「政治消息傳播」、「政黨參與」有負相關;只有在較低「娛樂性網路使用動機」時,「親和型幽默」與「政治參與」有負相關。 5. 個體只有在較高的「工具性網路使用動機」時,「自我提升型幽默」與「政治消息傳播的」有正相關。 6. 個體只有有在較低的「工具性網路使用動機」時,「攻擊型幽默風格」對「政治參與」、「政黨參與」兩者皆有正相關;只有在較低「娛樂性網路使用動機」時「攻擊型幽默風格」和「政黨參與」有顯著正相關。 7. 個體只有在較低「工具性網路使用動機」時,「自我貶抑型幽默」對「政治參與」、「抗爭參與」、「政治消息傳播」、「政黨參與」有正相關;只有在較高「工具性網路使用動機」時,「自我貶抑型幽默」與「政黨參與」有負相關。


The internet has become not only a media for political campaigns and social event discussions but a channel for individuals to express their political attitudes. There are multiple channels using humor as the conveying media. In the past research in Taiwan, despite there are some investigations of the relations between humor, network and political issues, little research focus on the connection in between humor and politics. Additionally, the influence of the internet on the relations is unclear. Therefore, our reseach aims to reveal the influence of humor on peoples political participation and whether the internet has the mediated effect. In this study, we took people in Taiwan that are above 18 years old as our samples. We applied “Traditional Chinese Version of the Humor Styles Questionnaire”, “Internet Use Motivation”, “Political Participation Questionnaire”, “Political Attitude Questionnaire”, “Shortened Version of IPIP Big Five Personality Scale” as our research tools with ANOVA, Pearson correlation, regression analysis, correlation analysis, Process moderation effect analysis as our primary analytical methods. The research results are as follow: 1. “DPP” in “political participation” is significantly higher than “KMT” . 2. “ Self-enhancing humor” and “self-defeating humor” has a significant correlation with "political participation”. 3. .In regression analysis, “political inclination” and “Motivations for social Internet Use” has a significant positive prediction to “political participation”. 4. Only if Individuals have lower “Motivations for Instrumentality Internet Use” , “Affiliative humor”has a significant negative correlation with“ political message propagation behavior” and “political groups to participate”. Only if Individuals have lower “Motivations for recreational Internet Use” has a significant negative correlation with “political participation”. 5. Only if Individuals have higher “Motivations for Instrumentality Internet Use”, “Self-enhancing humor” has a significant positive correlation with “political message propagation behavior”. 6. Only if Individuals have lower “Motivations for Instrumentality Internet Use”, “Aggressive humor” has a significant positive correlation with“political participation”, “political groups to participate”. Only if Individuals have lower “Motivations for recreational Internet Use”, “Aggressive humor” has a significant positive correlation with “political groups to participate”. 7. Only if Individuals have lower “Motivations for Instrumentality Internet Use”, “self-defeating humor” has a significant positive correlation with “political participation”, “protests participation”, “political message propagation behavior”, “political groups to participate”. Only if Individuals have higher “Motivations for Instrumentality Internet Use”, “self-defeating humor” has a significant negative correlation with “political groups to participate”.


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