  • 學位論文


An action research on robot-assisted language learning in Chinese as a second language teacher education: an example of robot-assisted Chinese pronunciation training

指導教授 : 曾金金


本研究旨在探討華語文教學系研究所階段「機器人輔助語言學習」的培育課程,以整合技術的學科教學知識(Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge, TPACK)為框架,將華語正音教學、機器人科技、程式設計等知識整合教學,讓(準)華語教師能有設計及實作機器人輔助語言學習(robot-assisted language learning, RALL)教學活動的能力。研究問題為:TPACK框架下培育課程知識內容、流程及策略為何?培育課程對(準)華語教師TPACK發展的影響為何?(準)華語教師對機器人用在語言學習上的感知為何? 本研究採行動研究法,研究對象為華語教學系研究所14位(準)華語教師。研究結果顯示,培育課程可促進各種TPACK知識的發展,其中機器人的教學設計知識(TPK)最多,其次為機器人的華語語音技術原理知識(TCK)和機器人科技知識(TK),由於機器人的「擬人化」特性,讓(準)華語教師更關心人機互動、即時回饋的設計、機器人的「可對話」特性使用語音技術,則讓(準)華語教師重視機器人聽與說的材料選擇原理;設計中學習(Learning by Design, LBD)策略促進多元知識發展、二位不同專長的師傅教師共同授課可協助發展基礎知識、多次的學習者實測則可促進知識整合及反思;(準)華語教師認為機器人在語言教學上是有用的,但需要經過學習才能學會使用,多數表示未來願意使用。本研究也發現,(準)華語教師在RALL實作過程中,換位思考轉變成以學生為中心思考教學設計;最終能意識到機器人是一項教學工具,「教師」才是提供教學設計知識的人。論文最後提出「機器人輔助正音教學」系統開發流程及架構建議。


This research aims to explore the teacher training course of "robot-assisted Chinese pronunciation training" at the graduated stage of the Department of Chinese Language as a Second Language (CSL). We integrated knowledge of Chinese pronunciation teaching, robotics, speech technology, and robot programming knowledge in the training course, so that CSL teachers could have the ability of design and implement robot-assisted language learning (RALL) courses by themselves. The research questions are (1) what are the knowledge, process and strategy of training course under the TPACK framework? (2) what is the impact of the training course on the development of CSL teachers’ TPACK? (3) what is the perception of CSL teachers on the use of RALL? The method of this study is the action research. The research subjects were 14 CSL teachers in the master degree program. The research results show that the development of various TPACK knowledge can be seen in the overall learning journals, among which human-robot interaction (HRI) and real-time feedback (RTF) related knowledge (TPK) are the most, followed by the knowledge of using Chinese speech technology to select appropriate materials (TCK), and almost the same amount as the knowledge of programming (TK). Learning by design (LBD) strategy could improve each kind of TPACK. After the course, more than 60% CSL teachers expressed their willingness to use RALL in the future, believing that robots are useful in language teaching but need to be learned. This study also found that CSL teachers, in the process of RALL implementation, changed their perspective into a student-centered and thinking the teaching design. Finally, CSL realized that the robot is a teaching tool, and the "teacher" is the one who provides the knowledge of teaching design. This paper also puts forward the development process and architecture suggestion of the "robot-assisted Chinese pronunciation teaching" system.


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