  • 學位論文


Effects of the Somatosensory Games on Attention for Vocational High School Students with Intellectual Disabilities

指導教授 : 佘永吉


技術型高中智能障礙者注意力表現較一般同齡者不佳,導致工作表現易受影響,多數研究指出注意力將影響個體工作表現與生活品質。故期望藉由趣味且結構化的體感遊戲,提升技術型高中智能障礙學生注意力表現。本研究目的為探究體感遊戲課程,對於高中智能障礙學生持續注意力之成效。研究篩選對象為技術型高中智能障礙者,能獨自走、跳且能理解指令說明之學生參與者共 14 名,實驗介入前依據參與者與監護人意願以並考量課程分組狀況採準實驗設計,非隨機方式分配為 7 名實驗組與 7 名對照組。實驗組接受 4 週體感遊戲課程,每週 4 次,每次 45 分鐘;對照組則持續原班課程;2 組在實驗前、後以及介入期第 3 週中測均進行 TAP-持續性注意力測驗以及田字注意力測驗。結果顯示,實驗組與對照組在兩種注意力測驗表現未達顯著差異;實驗組的前、後測表現,TAP-持續性注意力測驗未達顯著差異;田字注意力測驗達顯著差異,體感遊戲介入週數,圖形辨識介入 2 週後學習表現即有顯著進步,該遊戲平均完成時間與 TAP-持續性注意力測驗反應時間、正確作答數以及遺漏作答數等向度具顯著相關,對於持續性注意力表現達中度相關之解釋力。本研究顯示體感遊戲介入對於整體注意力具顯著成效,持續性注意力則否。此外也發現 TAP-持續性注意力測驗 10 至 15 分鐘,實驗組正確作答數與遺漏作答數於表現較對照組佳,顯示體感遊戲介入對持續性注意力具有一定的維持效果。建議未來探究相關議題,可以增加研究樣本數量與介入週數;研究工具方面,介入設備與測驗也須評估研究對象的適應性以降低研究誤差。


Students with intellectual disabilities in vocational high schools have poorer attention performance than their normal peers. Research indicated that performance of attention is usually associated with job efficiency and life quality. Therefore, it is expected to enhance the attention of those students through the somatosensory games. The study is aim to show the performances of the sustained attention by playing somatosensory games. This study designed to screen a total of 14 intellectual disabilities high school students who were capable to walk, jump and follow the research directions without assistant. Before the intervention of experiments, the study was based on the willingness of the participants and the guardians. First, the experimental group received 4-week somatosensory game training course 4-times a week for 45 minutes. Secondly, the control group received no intervention and follows the original course. During the experiment, the two groups were tested by Test of attention Performance (TAP)-sustained attention and Tien Character Attention (TCT). Quantitative data analysis was based on two tests of pre-tests, mid-tests and post-tests to indicate the effectiveness of TAP-sustained attention and TCT. The results showed that there were no significant differences in TAP-sustained attention and TCT in the experimental group and control group. Compared the pre-tests to pro-tests, experimental group did not reach considerably high level in TAP-sustained attention and TCT. In the period of somatosensory games intervention, the behavior of playing somatosensory game of matchmaker after 2 weeks was substantially improved. The matchmaker in average completion time had a significantly correlation coefficient with TAP-sustained attention, including the reaction time, the correct reactions, and the omissions. This study shows that somatosensory games intervention was significantly affected by overall attention, but sustained attention was not. In addition, the performances of the experimental group were better than those of the control group within 10 to 15 minutes in three subtests of TAP-sustained attention. Those were the reaction time, the correct reactions and the omissions. Therefore, it was indicated that the intervention of somatosensory games had a positive effect on maintaining of the sustained attention. In the future, it is recommended to increase the quantity of samples and the intervention period. Also, it needs to evaluate the feasibility of the equipment and the assessment tools to reduce the errors.


王乙婷、陳美慧(2003)。自我教導策略增進 ADHD 兒童持續性注意力之效果。國立彰化師範大學特殊教育學系特殊教育學報,18,21-54。
