  • 學位論文

Switch 互動式體感遊戲方案應用於國小自閉症學生動作表現之成效

Effect of Motor Training with Switch Interactive and Somatosensory Gaming Program for the Elementary School Students with Autism

指導教授 : 佘永吉


自閉症學生在臨床的行為表現上,有動作表現方面的問題,因此藉由Switch互動式體感遊戲探討能否提升自閉症學生動作表現。本研究目的在探討使用Switch互動式體感遊戲方案介入國小自閉症學生動作表現之成效。研究設計採用單一個案研究法中的跨受試多基線設計,研究對象為三位自閉症國小學生,自變項為Switch互動式體感遊戲方案,依變項為動作表現,動作表現包含上肢動作、下肢動作、平衡及身體協調共四個項目。 實驗過程以Switch互動式體感遊戲方案進行動作表現介入,並觀察介入成效;同時蒐集資料,利用圖示法、視覺分析及c統計分析,並加入研究參與者、研究參與者教師及研究參與者家長想法作為社會效度之分析。未來研究可以加入不同學習階段或不同特教類別的學生作為研究對象,並將學生在家中也能使用Switch互動式體感遊戲。 本研究結果摘要如下: 一、Switch互動式體感遊戲方案對提升自閉症學生動作表現具有立即成效。 二、Switch互動式體感遊戲方案對維持自閉症學生動作表現無一致維持成效。 三、研究參與者、研究參與者教師及研究參與者家長對於Switch互動式體感遊戲方案持正向看法。


Autism children in clinical behavior, there is upper limb movement, lower limb movement, balance and body coordination problems, so used Switch interactive and somatosensory gaming grogram to investigate whether it can facilitate the performance of Autism children’s motor training, resulting in secondary effect. The purpose of this study is to investigate the intervention of Switch interactive and somatosensory gaming grogram involved in the effectiveness of Autism children’s motor training. The single subject research across subjects with multiple-baseline design was used. The study participant were three elementary school student with Autism. The independent variables was the Switch interactive and somatosensory gaming grogram designed by the researcher, the dependent variable was the effectiveness of motor training, which included upper limb movement, lower limb movement, balance and body coordination. During the experiment, the researcher observed participant’s assessed the effects of training. The purpose of this study were analyzed via graphical methods, visual analysis, and C-statistic. Moreover, questionnaire data was collected from participants, teachers, and caregivers for social validity assessment. Future research can include students of different learning stages or different special education categories as research participants, and students can also use Switch interactive and somatosensory gaming grogram at home. The results of the study suggest that: 1. The training propram are effective forupper limb movement, lower limb movement, balance and body coordination. 2. The training propram are no maintenance effect on limb movement, lower limb movement, balance and body coordination. 3. Participant, teachers, and caregivers hold positive attitudes toward Switch interactive and somatosensory gaming grogram.


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