  • 學位論文


Research on the Marketing Strategy of Adult Music Education:The Cases Study of Japan Y Company and Taiwan M company

指導教授 : 董澤平


音樂教育與學習人口對樂器產業發展有著唇齒相依的關聯。少子化以及其他非音樂才藝學習的競爭,不論是學校音樂正規教育、教學者及私人音樂教室經營者早已面臨兒童、青少年市場逐年萎縮的事實,連帶樂器銷售在既存市場中更是陷入一片紅海的激烈競爭,對台灣從事樂器買賣與音樂教育相關業者們而言,開發成人顧客與創造需求是未來業者永續經營必須要面對的關鍵課題與挑戰。 台灣成人學樂器的風氣相較歐美日國家來說相對小眾,但隨著社會人口結構的改變以及熟齡才藝學習逐漸活絡,成人音樂教育市場仍具有一定商機與發展潛力。從探討過去成人音樂學習相關文獻中可了解到,對成人來說,學習樂器的動機通常來自於對音樂的喜愛與興趣嗜好的培養,而學習的目的則希望通過演奏音樂與人同歡及實現自我,因此,如何行銷成人學音樂的優點,降低進入學習的門檻並使其持續保有學習的動力是業者推廣成人音樂教育的行銷重點。 本研究以個案研究法及半結構式訪談,針對日本Y公司與台灣M公司不同規模之指標個案公司成人音樂教室的經營方式與行銷7Ps做法進行資料蒐集與分析比較,歸納出以下5點建議提供業者作為推廣成人音樂教育市場行銷策略之參考。 1. 私人音樂教室業者應了解本身欲經營商圈的顧客樣貌與需求並找到自己的 市場定位,差異化經營有助建立教室品牌形象與口碑。 2. 打造專屬成人的音樂學習空間(包含上課環境與空間規劃等),讓成人學音樂成為一種流行時尚的代名詞,也是可以透過音樂共同興趣結交朋友的場所。 3. 跳脫舊式兒童市場的經營模式,發展創新的商業模式,如『共享空間』讓老師們 成為合作夥伴,同時解決師資問題,『異業結盟』資源整合,創造雙贏商機。 4. 線上善用數位行銷積極開發新顧客,線下提供表演平台延續學習成就感。 5. 優化體驗行銷作法與流程,加強服務人員的訓練與落實PDCA,提高顧客體驗課後報名之轉換率。


The musical instrument industry and music education are inseparable and both of them belong to the same business ecosystem. Due to low birthrate causing demographic changed and the competition by various non-music talent learning courses from the market, demands of music talent learning for kids market is shirking rapidly. It affects the income of musical instrument sales companies and also private music school enterprises seriously. So how to expand adult music learning population and create demand will be the most important issue and challenge for all musical industry related companies include music educators from now on. Although kids market is decreasing, but we also could see the potential and business opportunities from adult market. How to cultivate adult people which love music to learn musical instrument is rely on how to trigger their motivation. Adult music learner has various needs and their purpose is also difference with kids. By study more adult music learner needs , then we could know how to provide the suitable products and service for them. Through cases study analysis and semi-structured interviews of Japanese company Y and Taiwan company M about their adult music school management and marketing strategies, we could learn from their experienced with their successful story, The study shows that there are five key success factors of their marketing strategies as below: 1. To choose correct market segmentation based on target customer needs is important. 2. Create an exclusive learning space for adults, let study music become one of fashion hobby and could meet same hobby friends with music. 3. Develop new business model, such as『sharing economy』to attract good teacher become a partner, or 『cross-industry alliance』to get more business power. 4. Enhance digital marketing skill to reach out wider new customers, and provide performance stage to keep exist adult students learning motivation is important. 5. Optimize the process of experience marketing by enhance staff service skill and raise conversion rate by improve plan-do-check-action.


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