  • 學位論文


The Study of Personality Traits, Organizational Climate and Teacher Efficacy of The Gifted Education Teachers in The Elementary School

指導教授 : 潘裕豐


本研究旨在探討國小一般智能資優班教師之「人格特質」、「組織氣氛」與「教師效能」之關聯,並進一步探討三者間的預測力。研究對象為110學年度宜蘭、基隆、台北、新北、桃園、竹市與竹縣七個地區共計120位國小一般智能資優班教師,採問卷調查法,研究工具為「人格特質量表」、「組織氣氛量表」與「教師效能量表」,所蒐集之數據以SPSS處理系統進行平均數、標準差、獨立樣本t檢定、皮爾森績差相關、典型回歸與逐步回歸等統計分析。本研究之研究結果如下: 一、教師人格特質之現況 整體人格與五大分向度得分均在中高程度以上,「友善性」為得分最高之特質,「開放性」與「嚴謹性」以極小的差距緊追在後,其後為「外向性」與「神經質」。 二、教師組織氣氛之現況 以組織氣氛開放程度作為計算指標。組織氣氛開放指數為校長行為開放指數+教師行為開放指數,得到4.14的高分,由此可知,國小一般智能資優班教師知覺學校組織氣氛之開放程度為高程度。各分項度得分由高到低分別為:「同事親和」、「同事專業」、「校長支持」、「校長指示」、「同事疏離」、「校長干擾」。 三、教師教師效能之現況 整體教師效能與六大分向度得分均在中高程度以上。得分最高者為「親師溝通」,其次為「教學執行」、「學習評量」,其後依序為「班級管理」、「教學革新」與「環境轉換」。 四、人格特質、組織氣氛與教師效能之相關 三個變項兩兩之間均保持中度正相關。以人格特質與教師效能之相關最高,組織氣氛與教師效能相關次之,人格特質與組織氣氛相關最低。 五、人格特質、組織氣氛與教師效能之預測力 人格特質與組織氣氛能有效預測教師效能。其中人格特質中的「嚴謹性」與「外相性」對教師效能有更大的預測力,組織氣氛中的「同事疏離」亦能有效預測教師效能。 六、不同背景變項之教師在三大變項上的表現差異 背景變項共七個,分別為性別、年齡、年資、婚姻狀態、教育背景、擔任職務與學校規模。在「人格特質」上產生差異的變項為「性別」,女性的人格特質顯著大於男性;在「教師效能」變項上產生差異的為「年齡」、「年資」與「婚姻狀況」,年齡與年資高者之教師效能大於年齡與年資低者,有婚姻狀況者教師效能大於無婚姻狀況者;「組織氣氛」在七個背景變項中均無差異。


The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between "personality traits", "organizational climate" and "teacher efficacy" of teachers in gifted classes in elementary schools, and explore the predictive power of the three. We have searched 120 teachers of gifted classes in elementary schools in seven districts including Yilan, Keelung, Taipei, New Taipei, Taoyuan, Hsinchu City, and Hsinchu County, then used the data from study tools, " Personality Traits Scale ", "Organizational Atmosphere Scale" and "Teacher Efficacy Scale" to process. The findings of this study are as follows: 1. The current situation of teachers' personality traits   The overall personality trait scores are above the medium to a high level. "Friendliness" is the highest scoring trait, and "openness" and "rigorousness" are closely followed by a very small gap, followed by "extroversion" and "nervousness". 2. Current Situation of Teacher Organizational Atmosphere   The openness of the organizational atmosphere is used as the calculation index. The organizational climate openness index is the principal behavioral openness index + teacher behavioral openness index, and it gets a high score of 4.14. It can be seen that the teachers of the general intelligent gifted class in elementary schools perceive the school's organizational climate as a high degree of openness. 3. Current Situation of Teacher Teacher Efficacy   The overall teacher efficacy and the scores of the six major sub-dimensions are above the middle-high level. The highest score is "parent-teacher communication", followed by "teaching implementation", "learning assessment", followed by "class management", "teaching innovation" and "environmental transformation". 4. The relationship between personality traits, organizational climate and teacher efficacy   There is a moderate positive correlation between the three variables. The correlation between personality traits and teacher efficacy is the highest, organizational climate and teacher efficacy is the second, and personality traits are the least related to organizational climate. 5. Predictive power of personality traits, organizational climate and teacher efficacy   Personality traits and organizational climate can effectively predict teacher effectiveness. Among them, "rigorousness" and "externality" in personality traits have greater predictive power on teacher efficacy, and "colleague alienation" in an organizational atmosphere can also effectively predict teacher efficacy. 6. Differences in the performance of teachers with different background variables on the three variables   There are seven background variables, namely gender, age, seniority, marital status, educational background, job title, and school size. The variables that produce differences in "personality traits" are "gender", and women's personality traits are significantly greater than those of males; the variables that produce differences in "teacher efficacy " are "age", "seniority" and "marital status". Teachers with higher experience are more effective than those with younger and older age, and those with marital status are more effective than those without marital status; there is no difference in "organizational climate" in any of the seven background variables.


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