  • 學位論文


Senior High School English Teachers' Beliefs and Practices of Teaching English in English

指導教授 : 羅美蘭


因應全球化的浪潮,各國政府無不積極培育國民英語能力以增加國際競爭力。 英語作為主要教學語言在英語非母語國家蔚為風潮,臺灣也不例外。行政院於西 元 2021 年提出《2030 雙語政策整體推動方案》,設定「厚植國人英語力」及「提 升國家競爭力」兩大政策目標,其中與教育相關的個別策略是中小學英語課應落 實全英語授課。目前已有不少雙語教學研究中心出版課室英語手冊供教師使用。 然而,除了課室英語外,很少有研究分析教師對於全英語教學的看法,更不用說 提供全英語教學策略。 本研究為一混合性研究,量化部分以問卷調查的方式蒐集資料,質性部分則 以訪談及觀課的方式蒐集資料。全英語教學問卷乃以 Kim (2008)的英語課以英語 授課問卷為基礎編修而成,共包含三部分:教師對於全英語教學的焦慮、全英語 教學對於教師的好處以及全英語教學對於學生的好處。填答者為 55 位臺灣的高 中英文教師,其中兩位參與後續的訪談及觀課。本研究有三個主要發現:第一, 大部分臺灣高中英文教師有自信用英語授課,但他們擔心學生會因為英語能力不 足而無法聽懂英語授課內容。第二,教學總年資及全英語授課年資愈短的教師對 使用全英語愈感到焦慮,全英語教學年資較長的老師傾向更認同全英語教學對於 老師和學生都有所助益。第三,除了使用第一語言之外,全英語授課的教師也發 展出其他教學策略以增進學生的理解程度。最後,研究者提供一些教學上的建議, 供未來欲採用全英語教學的老師參考。


Due to the spread of globalization, governments around the world all strive to cultivate their citizens’ English ability and to enhance their international competitiveness. English as the major medium of instruction has gradually gained popularity in many non-English-speaking countries, and Taiwan is no exception. Executive Yuan announced the Bilingual 2030 policy in 2021 with two major aims: raising the people’s English proficiency and enhancing Taiwan’s international competitiveness. One of the strategies related to English education is to implement TEIE (Teach English in English) policy in primary and secondary education. Currently, numerous bilingual education research centers have published Classroom English Brochures for teachers to use in the classroom. However, in addition to classroom English, there were scarce studies evaluating teachers’ perceptions of TEIE, let alone proposing strategies for English teachers to teach English in English. This present study is a mixed methods study. A TEIE survey, which was revised based on Kim’s (2008) TETE survey, was employed to collect quantitative data. The qualitative data were collected via interviews and classroom observations. The TEIE survey was composed of three constructs: anxiety associated with TEIE, benefits of TEIE on teachers, and benefits of TEIE on students. A total of 55 senior high school English teachers in Taiwan were recruited as the survey respondents, two of whom were further observed their teaching and interviewed. The findings are threefold. First, most senior high school English teachers in Taiwan felt confident to teach English in English, but they were concerned that their students may not understand their English instruction due to their insufficient English proficiency. Second, the less teaching experience a teacher obtains, the more anxious he/she tended to be. The less TEIE teaching experience a teacher obtains, the more anxious he/she tended to be. Moreover, teachers with more TEIE teaching experience tended to be more positive about the benefits of TEIE on teachers and students. Third, it was discovered that in addition to L1, the two teacher informants developed other strategies to facilitate students' understanding. At the end of the study, several pedagogical implications are provided in hope of proposing suggestions for prospective TEIE practitioners.


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