  • 學位論文


The Relationship among Adult Attachment Styles, Love Attitudes and Subjective Well-being of Dating App Users

指導教授 : 田秀蘭


本研究目的在於探討交友軟體使用者人際依附風格、愛情態度與幸福感之相關性,亦了解人際依附風格、愛情態度是否對幸福感有預測力。研究方法採立意抽樣,問卷調查法,並使用網路問卷進行研究。研究對象為年滿18歲之交友軟體使用者,並採用「人際依附風格量表」、「臺灣人愛情風格量表—大學生版」、「中國人幸福感量表」為研究工具,後續以描述性統計、單因子多變量變異數分析、單因子變異數分析、獨立樣本T檢定、雪費法、皮爾森積差相關、多元逐步迴歸進行資料分析,研究結果如下:交友軟體使用者整體人際依附風格,在性別及戀愛經驗上具有顯著差異;交友軟體使用者整體愛情態度,在性別、性傾向、年齡及戀愛經驗上皆具有顯著差異;交友軟體使用者整體幸福感,在性別、性傾向、年齡及戀愛經驗上皆不具有顯著差異;交友軟體使用者人際依附風格與愛情態度之間存在顯著相關;交友軟體使用者愛情態度與幸福感之間存在顯著相關;交友軟體使用者人際依附風格與幸福感之間存在顯著相關;交友軟體使用者之人際依附風格、愛情態度對幸福感具有預測力,其中「安全依附型」和「真情投入型」對「幸福感」為正向預測;「逃避依附型」與「擔憂佔有型」對「幸福感」則是負向預測。 關鍵詞:人際依附風格、愛情態度、幸福感


The main purpose of the research is to explore the relationship of adult attachment, love attitudes and subjective well-being of dating app users. In addition, to examine if their subjective well-being could be predicted by their adult attachment and love attitudes. The online questionnaires were collected by convenience sampling. The participants contained 360 adults of dating app users. The instruments are the Attachment Style Scale, the Scale of Love Style and the Chinese Happiness Inventory. Data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, one-way analysis of variance, multivariate analysis of variance, independent sample t-test, Scheffe's method and Pearson product-term correlation. The findings are as follow: Different genders and love experience showed significant differences in adult attachment styles of dating app users. Different genders, sexual orientations, ages and love experiences showed significant differences in love attitudes of dating app users. There were no significant differences between genders, sexual orientations, ages and love experiences in subjective well-being of dating app users. There were significant correlations between adult attachment styles and love attitudes of dating app users. There were significant correlations between love attitudes and subjective well-being of dating app users. There were significant correlations between adult attachment styles and subjective well-being of dating app users. Adult attachment styles and love attitudes of dating app users had significant predictions on subjective well-being of dating app users. In addition, “Secure type” and “Sincere and Devoted style” were positive predictors of subjective well-being. On the other hand, “Dismissing type” and “Worrisome and Possessive style” were negative predictors of subjective well-being. Keywords: adult attachment styles, love attitudes, subjective well-being


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