  • 學位論文


A Study of Students’ Recruitment Strategies of the Public Vocational High Schools in Taoyuan City

指導教授 : 胡茹萍


本研究在瞭解桃園市市立技術型高級中等學校招生現況,探討影響各校招生之因素,並瞭解各校招生策略之異同。透過質性半結構式訪談法,以桃園市6所市立技術型高中校長為訪談對象;訪談內容以5P行銷理論將招生策略分為五個層面,包括產品、價格、通路、推廣及人員,瞭解學校如何運用5P行銷招生策略對外招生。 根據研究結果分析,本研究結論有以下八點:一、桃園市立技術型高中入學門檻及學生素質下降。二、市立技術型高中招生不成問題,招收優質學生卻較無優勢。三、影響桃園市立技術型高中之招生因素主要有桃園市家長、學生及國中端老師普遍觀念先選擇普高後技高、學校地理位置及少子女化。四、招生產品策略主要有發展熱門特色科系及豐富軟硬體資源。五、招生價格策略主要有提供就近入學獎學金、提供慈善獎助學金及提供愛心早午餐。六、招生通路策略主要有提升就近入學率、提升交通便利性及提供線上學習資源。七、招生推廣策略主要有入校宣導、善用學校識別系統、運用新聞媒體及參加招生博覽會。八、招生人員策略主要有提高碩博士比率、運用通訊軟體、使用官方入口網站及校務信箱。 綜合研究結論,本研究針對桃園市市立技術型高級中等學校招生策略之研究,提出之具體建議如下:一、加強宣導技職教育特色及優勢。二、調整職業類科招生名額。三、持續推廣產學合作。四、提升交通便捷度。五、提升與地方產業的連結。六、提供獎助學金、工讀機會及減免雜費。七、預防疫情對技術型高中實體教學之衝擊。八、經營社群媒體,提高曝光度及觸及率。九、重整行政組織,建立學校行銷機制並配合相關獎勵。


This study investigated the current situation of student recruitment at public vocational high schools in Taoyuan City, the factors affecting recruitment at each school, and the differences in their recruitment strategies. Qualitative, semistructured interviews were conducted with the principals of 6 public vocational high schools in Taoyuan City. In these interviews, recruitment strategies were discussed in relation to the 5 P’s of marketing—namely product, price, place, promotion, and people—to explore how these schools recruit students through the 5 P’s marketing strategy. The following 8 conclusions were drawn from the analysis results: 1. Admission requirements and student quality at public vocational high schools in Taoyuan City both decreased. 2. Recruiting students in general was not a problem for public vocational high schools, but recruiting high-quality students was. 3. Main factors that affected student recruitment at public vocational high schools in Taoyuan City were the general belief of parents, students, and junior high school teachers in Taoyuan City that academically focused high schools were a superior choice to vocational ones, the school location, and the low birth rate. 4. The predominant product strategies for recruitment were establishing featured departments as well as providing diverse software and hardware resources. 5. The main price strategies were offers of scholarships to students living nearby, charity scholarships and financial aids, and free breakfasts and lunches. 6. The primary place strategies were increasing the admissions of students living nearby, enhancing home-to-school transport accessibility, and providing online learning resources. 7. The commonly adopted promotion strategies were providing orientation sessions, highlighting their advantage of having an established identification system, promoting the school on news media, and participating in admission fairs. 8. The frequently used people strategies were increasing the percentage of faculty members with a master’s or doctoral degree as well as enhancing intraschool communication through messaging applications, school website portal, and school email. According to these conclusions, the present study proposed the following student recruitment recommendations for public vocational high schools in Taoyuan City: 1. Highlight the features and advantages of vocational education. 2. Adjust the admission quota for vocational departments. 3. Continue to promote industry–academia collaboration. 4. Enhance home-to-school transport accessibility. 5. Strengthen the school’s connection with local industries. 6. Offer scholarships, financial aids, part-time job opportunities, as well as nontuition fee reductions and waivers. 7. Take preventive measures against the negative influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on physical school teaching. 8. Use social media to improve the school’s visibility and reach. 9. Reorganize the school’s administrative organization and establish a marketing mechanism based on incentives.


