  • 學位論文


The effect of different problem-posing systems on learning the basic structure of programming

指導教授 : 張國恩 宋曜廷 劉子鍵


近年來,資訊科技的興起使得電腦科學逐漸受到重視。我國也依據資訊科技發展的趨勢,於十二年國教課綱中,將「科技領域」從「自然與生活科技領域」中劃分出來。資訊科技學習重點主要在於培養學習者運算思維與解決問題的能力。擬題教學策略能夠提升學習者的思考能力,並培養學習者發現和解決問題的能力,與資訊科技學習的重點能力契合。然而對於初次接觸擬題學習策略的學習者而言,面對尚未熟悉的學習內容以及新的學習模式,會導致學習者的認知負荷增加。而引導式擬題策略透過選擇的方式,能夠使得學習者在不增加外在認知負荷的情況下學習擬題技巧。   本研究的研究目的為比較與觀察文字擬題教學、引導式擬題教學、與引導式擬題策略為鷹架褪除至文字擬題的褪除擬題教學,何者較能提升擬題學習對於程式三大基本結構之流程圖的學習成就之成效。以準實驗法將新北市某國中七年級學習者分成文字擬題組、選擇擬題組、褪除擬題組,各組使用不同的擬題系統學習,並進行三周的實驗介入。所得知的結論如下:   一、以選擇擬題作為文字擬題的前導活動,有助於學習者於文字擬題活動時的表現與學習內容的理解。   二、於選擇擬題活動後加以文字擬題活動,可幫助學習者有練習的效果。   三、褪除擬題學習可以幫助學習者對於學習內容的把握度更有自信。


In recent years, the rise of information technology has made computer science more and more important. In accordance with the development trend of information technology, our country also divided the "technology field" from the "natural and life science and technology field" in the 12-year national education curriculum. The main focus of information technology learning is to develop learners’ computational thinking and problem-solving skills. The problem-posing strategy can enhance learners’ thinking ability and cultivate their ability to discover and solve problems, which is in line with the key ability of information technology learning. However, for learners who are exposed to the problem-posing learning strategy for the first time, facing the unfamiliar learning content and the new learning mode will lead to an increase in the external cognitive load of the learner. The guided problem-posing strategy can enable learners to learn the problem-posing skills without increasing the external cognitive load. The research purpose of this study is to compare and observe the text-based problem-posing teaching, the guided problem-posing teaching, and the guided-based problem-posing strategy as a scaffold for the text-based problem-posing teaching. The effectiveness of the learning achievement of the flow chart of the three basic structures of the program. A quasi-experimental method was used to divide the seventh-grade learners of a middle school in New Taipei City into a text-based group, a selection-based group, and a selection-to-text group. The conclusions reached are as follows: 1. Taking the guided-based problem-posing strategy as a scaffold for the text-based problem-posing learning can increase learning performance in both text-based problem-posing activities and the learning content. 2. After guided-based problem-posing activity, add text-based problem-posing activity, which can help the learners to have the effect of practice. 3. Taking selection-to-text problem-posing strategy can help learners to be more confident in their grasp of the learning content.


