  • 學位論文


The Influence of Perceived Supervisor's Humor Styles on Subordinates's Trust: The Mediating Effects of Subordinates' Affects

指導教授 : 陳怡靜




Humor is an important factor when it comes to promoting interpersonal relationships, the benefits of proper conduct are numerous. However, since there are positive and negative ways to interpret humor, it can affect one’s feelings and reactions to it in different cases. This study attempts to understand how subordinates perceive their supervisor’s humor style, and the mediating effect of trust and humor towards their leader. This research collects its data with a questionnaire, which is conducted in two separate occasions. After deleting the invalid responses, 174 out of 181 questionnaires are used as data, and the response rate is 96.13%. The results indicate that: (1) affiliative humor is positively associated with positive affectivity, and aggressive humor is positively associated with negative affectivity; (2) positive affectivity mediated the relationship between affiliative humor and affect-based trust, whereas negative affectivity mediated the relationship between aggressive humor and affect-based trust.


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